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Posts by anirudha
Joined: Dec 3, 2010
Last Post: Dec 10, 2010
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From: India

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Dec 3, 2010
Graduate / "I plan to share my knowledge as a Professor" - SOP for PhD in Computer Science [NEW]

"Algorithms simply help to achieve order in a state of chaos."

These words, scribbled down in the run down classroom of my mentor , somehow always left me enthralled. I have always believed in the 'order' that was created, in a sense, whenever and for whatever purpose an algorithm was designed for. As a result, during my education years, I would poke around expressing every event and process around me as a series of sequential steps. With a love for logic , combined with a knack of solving puzzles, has almost embedded the idea of algorithms a part of my subconscious thought process. Finally, during my graduation years, I began to channel my thoughts into a focused career path of the study of algorithms. I ,therefore, consider a PhD at your university in Computer Science as a natural destination to pursue my goal.

Learning by doing and, probing by asking, has always been my approach to education, right from elementary till my graduate school. While pursuing my undergraduate studies, I was exposed to the amazing world of algorithms when I started observing and thinking about Page Rank , Google's search algorithm and how it would churn out search results almost 'miraculously'. Further exploration lead me into the world of data mining and information retrieval, which I soon realized were heavily based on algorithms. Courses like Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Organization and Architecture and System Software, not only groomed my passion for logic but also made me realize the importance of perseverance and focus required while pursuing theoretical subjects. My efforts paid off, and I achieved a 1st rank in my undergraduate studies for the Bachelor Of Science at Jai Hind College, Mumbai University.

Believing that achievements as just resting points in the long road of knowledge. I immediately turned my attention towards a Masters degree at Mumbai University. With courses like Compiler Construction , Computer Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Data Mining and Data Warehousing among others, I got a much needed exposure to the various facets of Theoretical Computer Science . Eager to conduct research in theoretical computer science, I was delighted when I was awarded with an opportunity to undertake a research project on Time Table Scheduling problems, which have significant implications in the fields of operational research and combinatorics. The main domain of the project consists of working with and trying to solve NP- Hard and NP-Complete problems. After narrowing down to school time table scheduling, I realized that by using heuristic techniques, we can explore feasible solutions to NP problems. The initial weeks of frustrations and scavenging for literature was well worth the efforts , as the theoretical proposal of the project entitled as 'An Algorithm to automatically generate schedule for school lectures using a Heuristics approach' has been chosen to be presented at the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2011) at Singapore. This ongoing effort, aims to further analyze the performance of the current algorithm with other meta-heuristic and Operational Research techniques such as Genetic Algorithms , Travelling Salesman Problem etc. While working on this project, I have been introduced to the process of conducting and working in research projects, from reading papers with a critical eye and presenting to peers, to completing deadlines and writing papers. More over this endeavor has certainly strengthened my conviction to engage in active research in the analysis of algorithms and related fields.

One aspect of my personality that I always strived to supplement with my work and studies, is that of a love for teaching. As a high school tutor, I teach school children, mathematics and science which has gone a long way in helping me develop a sound approach to complicated concepts. Through participation in study groups and active involvement in academic discussions and, I have always tried to keep myself upgraded with different methods of teaching the theoretical topics in a more enjoyable manner. This life long hobby finally manifested into a A formal opportunity to teach when I was offered the position the Teaching Assistantship for the course Mobile Communications and Computer Simulation Course, and I was naturally thrilled! The assignment required me conduct practical sessions for the students, while assisting in grading tests and assignments. This responsibilities helped me tremendously in understand the administrative process of a technical course. As a member of the Planning Committee for my college's technical festival, I was also able to build my leadership and teamwork skills. It were these experiences that have added a new dimension to my confidence when I undertake any teaching or research assignment in your university.

Expansive and evolutionary have been the two eyes by which I have always seen Computer Science in general and Analysis of Algorithms in particular. I have always seen algorithms as a way of bringing about a well-defined path in solving and defining seemingly obscure and complex problems and scenarios. It is this very simplistic yet powerful facet of the field that has kept me intrigued and inspired to work upon. Another aspect of the field, which truly excites me is its nomadic nature. Contrary to popular beliefs, I strongly believe that algorithms is an inter-disciplinary field where one is able to explore from networks to operational systems and system architecture , and gets a chance to redefine and introduce new path-breaking methods at the most introductory level.

"Perseverence makes you fail a lot, but some how, it also has the power to make you rise."

Illuminating lines like these, made me realize that PhD is the most obvious choice after tasting research briefly in MS. Unrelenting perseverance and dogged hard work has always formed the crux of my each discipline.

I have found that _______ is one of the foremost universities in the world, pioneering particularly in the field of theoretical computer science. However, the main reason for me to choose it lies in its world-renowned and well-directed system of research labs with its up-to-date research facilities backed by diverse and profound courses. Moreover, I took a look at the research interests and some publications of faculties of Department of Computer Science in the field of algorithm analysis and have found my objectives in accordance with interests of the faculties, especially, of professor xxx, yyy, and zzz.

I strongly respect the institution of a Doctoral Program and would strive with all my abilities to keep the pride and reputation of _____________'s esteemed program. I am sure that each day spent in the _______ would be one of exploration and learning and an opportunity to work under renowned faculty such as _____ would be enriching and intellectual in nature.As I sincerely believe in the potential for research in my field, and if given the prospect, I plan to carry on Post-Doctoral studies at the university and later continue to contribute and share my knowledge as a Professor.

It is due the above mentioned reasons that, I am sure that the output of my PhD at ________ will be well worth the time and effort spent on it. For the reasons mentioned above, I am sure that _________ will provide me the right environment for this.
Dec 10, 2010
Undergraduate / Top 5 Reasons to attend Virginia Tech in 250 words [3]

Virginia Tech has all the characteristics that make it a very favorable school

including accommodations that fit my needs as a prospective student. -----you might want to include this later in your answer

The numerous athletics offered brings about camaraderie among students that can be seen at any sporting event. ------you might want to rephrase this

Virginia Tech is my dream school for countless reasons ------ above reasons

----over all the reply seems good. Also i do not know if you are plaaning to attent virginia tech for sports , the reply seems fine, however if you are not, i suggest you put in a few more content on how VT is gonna help you on the education front.

best of luck :)
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