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Posts by chrisdausnar
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
Last Post: Dec 30, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Dec 30, 2010
Undergraduate / Supplements: Secret place + New Course + Unexpected things + Why our college? [4]

During World-cup season , all the people in Korea become together for our national team.

During this past World Cup, the whole nation of Korea united to cheer on our national team.

There are so many reasons

people often think that I am a stereotyped Asian kid
people often think that I am a stereotypical Asian kid

about sports and just play classical music; but I love watching football and soccer games with my friends.

Notre Dame has the strongest college spirit among any other colleges in the nation, and that's the reason why I am most excited to attend Notre Dame. Despite all these strong sports, I am still not very athletic because I am simply not very good at it. However, I read a statement of a current Notre Dame student on the College information pamphlet where he said that , "Even if you don't love sports, like me, Notre Dame will make you an athlete by the time you graduate." That statement just got me. Now I cannot wait to attend Notre Dame to find the other side of myself.

THis essay seems a little too vague, are there certain clubs or extracurricular activities that you can specifically name that show your interest and dedication to Notre Dame?
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