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Posts by lijianyi
Joined: Dec 30, 2010
Last Post: Dec 30, 2010
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From: United States of America

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Dec 30, 2010
Undergraduate / "attract me from video games" - WHY TUFTS? [3]

When my counselor asked my best friend that which type of college he want to get in, he answered in a second that: "hmm, first I need its class to be excellent enough to attract me from video games, and I also want it to be flexible enough so that I will be able to study all my favorite subjects, and the most important thing is, I will be appreciated that I can make friends with different kinds of people, and that would better train me for the real society." Then I say:" then just go to Tufts with me."

PLZ help me to correct my grammar and make it a funny dialogue..

I am making a point that Tufts has excellent acadamics, flexible curriculum and diversity of people.

PS: is Computer Science in Tufts easy to get in? Or Economics? PLZ HELP :((((
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