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Posts by jadajjada
Joined: Jan 2, 2011
Last Post: Jan 2, 2011
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From: Norway

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Jan 2, 2011
Undergraduate / "desire to try new experiences" - Background and Interests- USD Supplement [2]

This is my supplement essay for University of San Diego. Any edits and suggestions are appreciated!

Question:As a Catholic University committed to building a more inclusive community, we value students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Briefly explain how your unique background and interests will contribute to our community

I have always lived in a small Norwegian community, but when I became a teenager my life changed forever, in a way that I never expected.

As a thirteen-year-old I was given the opportunity to travel across the globe to attend a snowboarding camp in British Columbia, Canada. It was quite a challenge for an inexperienced Norwegian boy but I enjoyed it so much that I repeated this trip for the next three years! I grew a lot from these yearly excursions and so felt confident to try a new experience, so my last trip was very different. I attended a language course in Spain for three weeks.

So why did I do this, every time all alone? The answer is simple:
My burning desire to try new experiences and acquire new friends. My travels so far have allowed me to do just that.

I have met people with different backgrounds and from every corner of the world, and even though I came from a place which is very different from them, I still got along great and enjoyed the experience. I have made friends with those whom I am still in contact with till this day.

I believe that my experiences are similar to those I will find on a college campus. I enjoy meeting others with diverse backgrounds, as well as sharing my own experiences about life in Norway.

I left home all alone and returned with the knowledge of having acquired new friends and the experiences.
I am planning to do the same at USD. I hope my unique background can bring a good contribution to the college community and that I can acquire a great learning experience too!
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