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Posts by idrofrance
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Last Post: Feb 26, 2011
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From: Italy

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Feb 15, 2011
Writing Feedback / Toefl essay- It's better to marry someone who is similar to you or different from you [4]

Wedding is an important step of a person's life. Choosing a partner for the rest of your life is not so easy. It will be great if we can do like lobsters in nature: they choose each other once in their life and forever. Unfortunetely in our society things aren't so easy and expected. People meet, fall in love, marry, have children and sometimes get divorced. I think everyone of us, at least once in life, had asked himself if his partner should have been more similar to him rather than different. I really don't know which one is the best choice because sometimes people who are to similar to us become expected, predictable, boring just because we know them so well, we can know their way of thinking, acting, speaking and so on. Not all the time this it's a bad thing, it depends on people featuring and way of seeing love and being in love. Personally, now I have a partner who is very similar to me, we have a lot of things in commons, like diving, photography, computer passion, trekking. We are in love for each other but sometimes we strongly argue like children over ice creams. Despite of this, I think even arguing is a good moment for growing up with a partner, because is in this moment that we can find out our qualities and bad points. On the opposite if I chose a partner who is different from me, maybe I would have other types of issues, in fact I knew a couple, very different from each other, who often argue more than that I can do with my boyfriend. I see that they discuss for everything, even the most stupid thing in the world is a topic for being in contrast. On the other way they're very in love for 5 years and they will marry soon. So I think there's no just one point of view. It depends from person to person.
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