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Posts by beli
Joined: Feb 27, 2011
Last Post: Feb 27, 2011
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Feb 27, 2011
Grammar, Usage / Citing references not used in main paper [4]

We are using Apa format, I don't remember any of my teachers (Either in HS, when going for my AA, or now when I'm going for my BA) whether it's MLM format which was used in when I went for my AA 10yrs ago and I think HS.. don't remember honestly... but I do remember using MLM format for my AA because we had classes within English class on how to cite/use references etc saying we have to cite references(on the reference page)that were not used in the main paper. Anyway, currently my school is using Apa format 6th Edition (if it helps).. and I have a student in my group (it's a group project.. but don't get me started on that one) saying because he READ it but didn't use it he has to site it. Ummm no. There's a lot of crap on the internet that's not usable for research papers. If you list everything you read the teacher will be there for hours chasing after references you actually DID use. If you do not use it in your paper then you do not cite it. At least that's how I've always been taught, and I don't believe the 6th Edition Apa manual says otherwise. I can't tell how many times I've looked through that thing.

So, am I wrong? I told him if he had an issue (i've been having issues with him getting him to correct his references I've asked several times, gave a solid dead line and never responded till I said I was going to mark him as a non-participant and even then it was AFTER the time given. which I still am since he never did correct his references)

And here is what it says in our book:

Cite the work of those individuals whose ideas theories or research have DIRECTLY influenced your work. Not just because you READ the work.
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