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Posts by Dylan H
Joined: Mar 25, 2011
Last Post: Mar 25, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Dylan H   
Mar 25, 2011
Essays / Education = our place in the social order / Language usage in public - how to start? [4]

I can't seem to get my self organized. My essay is an answer to either one of the following: Option 1. Does our educational system reinforce---or give us the means necessary to surmount---our place in the social order? Option 2. Does the language used in our public discourse help or hinder our ability to communicate effectively about reality?

I can pick either one and I'd rather do what ever is easiest. I found arguments for both sides of both questions and so I just keep getting mixed up and can't figure out what to write. Could anyone give me some ideas or anything. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
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