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Posts by GonzalezM
Joined: Apr 5, 2011
Last Post: Apr 5, 2011
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From: United States of America

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Apr 5, 2011
Undergraduate / "I joined the army, hoping they could guide me..." - Rutgers Application. [2]

So I just wrote my application essay for rutgers, but I'am not sure if it's any good. It has been awhile since I wrote something like this, because I just got back from basic training *joined the army*. So I would really enjoy if you anyone could read over and fix or tell me if it's good, etc. Thank you.

I was raised by my father a single parent, to become the best or put forth all the effort I can into what I want to do. As I grew up life was hard, because I lived in a place were kids were bullied for being different, but I stood my ground because I was also raised to stand for my beliefs. After putting forth my efforts in high school, it still wasn't enough to get the grades I want, so after high school I felt amiss, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, so I joined the army, hoping they could guide me. After going through 5 months of basic training, I came out and now have a full ride into almost any school of my choice, not only was this helpful for my future, but basic training also helped my become a better person, helping me pass the limits of my body, and push my mind to be the best and succeed at it in a fashionable manor.

Through the training I endured it helped me build character. I love to travel to new places, i'am currently trying to learn new languages, I play lots of sports and try my hardest to meet new people and befriend them, I stray away from problems. My friends always told me they felt I was the lion of the group because I was fearless and always lead the way, even if it was just walking to school, I have yet to experience any cultural environments, but hope that I can travel aboard to japan one day and live their one day. Rutgers has the stable environment and community it takes to succeed and I hope that i'll be able to join and add to it someday.
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