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Posts by nadiap
Joined: Apr 24, 2011
Last Post: Apr 26, 2011
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Apr 24, 2011
Writing Feedback / People can have many benefits by deciding to eat at home [5]

13. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, when deciding where to eat, some people prefer to go to food stands or restaurants, in order to save time. Whereas other people opt for preparing their own food and eat it at home. As for me, I agree with them and indeed, I rather prefer to eat at home than going out , since I believe there are several advantages and benefits that I will explain in the following essay.

First of all, by deciding to eat at home, you are more able to keep yourself in shape. Preparing your meals give you the possibility to follow a more healthy diet, since you can choose the ingredients and the quantity you are going to use for a cake or a pizza. Therefore, we will feel much safer to eat a home-made sandwich with fresh salad, tomatoes and smoked ham than eating the same sandwich at a fast food or a reataurant because we exactly know how it was prepared and what it contains. By saying this, my intention is not that of discrediting restaurants or fast food companies, but I want to point out that a home- made meal can be much healthier as we can pay much more attention to choose its ingredients than a fast food, where it often happens they are more likely to be distracted because of the popular demand.

Furthermore, we can feel more comfortable by eating at home. Despite eating at a restaurant or even at a fast food, people do not have to be perfectly dressed or appeared as if they are flawless. As for me, when I eat at home, I can lay on my couch and watch TV, without caring of other's judgments. In addition to that, I am free to choose the time I will prepare my meal and eat it. Whereas, in many restaurants you need to book a table and you must arrive on time if you do not want to risk to let it to someone else. Thus, it can be really stressful sometimes.

In conclusion, I believe that people can have many benefits by deciding to eat at home, since they will not be worried about their aspect, they can feel comfortable and, last but not least, they can eat and prepare healthier meals.
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