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Posts by Vstampede1
Joined: May 26, 2011
Last Post: May 26, 2011
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From: United States of America

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May 26, 2011
Undergraduate / Business Transfer Essay (Finance major) - Professional Statement [3]

Please help, thanks!

How will the College of Business fit into your future goals?

I am applying to be a Finance major at the UIUC College of Business because it is the best way for me to gain the preparation I need to reach my goal of working as a Financial Adviser. My efforts at UIUC have brought me great success so far and I will continue my hard work as a student of UIUC's nationally ranked Finance program. This will put me on the right track to learn as much as I can about Finance so that, in addition to being more qualified for work, I will be able to apply my knowledge to advise my own family and friends on financial topics.

I've been masterful with money for as long as I can remember. It pains me every time I see someone make a poor choice related to the use of their funds. Being filthy rich and having a large bank account might not make a person happy, but spending money in an effective manner can definitely leave someone feeling happier in the long run than if they blew their money unwisely.

Throughout my life, money has always been a very limited resource for my family. This makes it especially important for our financial decisions to be well informed and thought out. For this reason, I made it my own responsibility to be up-to-date with all the information related to a decision before it was made. When we need to buy a new product, select a new service provider, or choose a new insurance plan, I make sure to research every possible alternative so I can keep my parents aware of their options and help them make the selection that best suits our needs. I truly felt like I was easing the stress of my parents and doing my part to ensure that our funds were well spent in a manner that maximized our success and happiness. It was a rewarding feeling.

I was excited when I realized there was a job for people like me who enjoyed assisting others in their financial matters. My goal is to work as a Financial Adviser so that I can help individuals as well as organizations handle their finances in the most beneficial way. I will be pleased when I can expertly advise my clients on how to best manage their investments and suggest useful strategies for easing the financial part of transitions such as marriage and retirement. I recognize that transitions like those are such enormous life changes that they can be stressful enough without financial issues to compound problems, so I would be happy to give them a little less to worry about. It would be fulfilling to know that my clients were getting their needs met and achieving more success because of me.

In conclusion, the desire to help people with their finances is what drives me as I work toward my dream of becoming a Financial Adviser. I know how stressful it can be for people to be faced with financial issues that they are not prepared to handle because I have witnessed the struggles of my own parents. I do my best to help them as it is but I am only a student. Once I am a Financial Advisor, I will have the potential to make large positive impacts when it comes to assisting people in using their funds to meet their needs. I look forward to the day I can tell my parents that their worries about their financial plans can finally come to an end because I'll keep everything under control.
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