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Posts by kraz4laxsoc
Joined: Nov 1, 2008
Last Post: Nov 4, 2008
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From: New Hampshire

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Nov 1, 2008
Undergraduate / Lacrosse became my passion - Common App Short answer [3]

Does anyone have any input or suggestions?
The bold section needs revision but i am having a really hard time coming up with a better way of wording it.
(120 words total)

Lacrosse became a passion for me at the age of 11. The allure of lacrosse has always been the intensity and aggression with which the game is played. 2007 was a spectacular year for the Portsmouth high school varsity team and being part of that team was an experience which I will always remember fondly. After finishing our regular season and playoffs undefeated many of us entered the championship game overconfident. When the final whistle blew we realized our fatal flaw. Much like a tragic hero's hamartia, our confidence, which had helped us to dominate all season long, ultimately led to our demise. Now, knowing the damage cockiness can cause, I am careful not to fall into its snare.
Nov 4, 2008
Undergraduate / Change. It has been part of my life since I was young - College Essay [3]

These are my first two paragraphs that im working on. Im concerned that im getting into too much detail and not showing enough emotion.

Also when i mention 'Granolas' in the second paragraph does it seem to have a negative connotation because thats not at all what im intending

Thanks for any and all help.

Change has been part of my life since I was young. At the age of 5 I was forced to adapt to a new environment when me and my family moved from a small town in Quebec to Portsmouth, NH. Two years later, in second grade, I was pulled out of public school in order to homeschool. More recently, I began my sophomore year at Berwick Academy, a local private school. Then only a year later I transferred to Portsmouth High School where I currently attend. Because of all the new situations I have been in I have learned life skills that many others my age lack.

My transfer to homeschooling was as smooth as could be. I was still involved in the public school and saw my friends on a regular basis. The only difference was that I was able to work at an accelerated pace without the restraints of a class. As I got older I started to attend a homeschooling cooperative in Massachusetts where many different homeschool students congregated to take classes ranging from poetry and religion to calculus and computer programming. Not only did the classes have a large variety but the people who attended were very diverse in their philosophies. I met the 'classic' homeschoolers, granolas who felt they should decide if and what they should learn. I also met homeschoolers who were overloaded with all the things that were expected of them. The diversity that I encountered taught me to be accepting of everyone because no matter how you may perceive people to be, everyone deserves a chance.
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