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Posts by highflier
Joined: Oct 27, 2011
Last Post: Nov 13, 2011
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From: Nigeria

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Oct 27, 2011
Undergraduate / 'Forget about laws.' - Describe the world you come. How has it shaped your dreams [4]

This is the essay i have been able to come up with. Please tell me if it answers the prompt and makes sense. thanks

'Forget about laws. If you want to enjoy life then bend the rules after all, even the police men receive bribes'.

That is just one of the many despairing comments from Nigerians. My Society is starved of development because of the corruption practiced by the leaders and the elite. As a result, many of the commoners are forced to resort to crime to survive. For many, the end -no matter how vile- justifies the means, and corruption has become a way of life.

I grew up in the wanton city of Lagos all my life. I have watched how so many commoners, that don't resort to crime, are thrown into a life of poverty. I have heard people try to justify their own lawlessness by blaming the government. I have been a victim of an armed robbery. The way my society is sickens me; I wanted to leave and never come back.

'Uncle, please don't leave'. She said

I remember the sad look on that little girls face as I was leaving the orphanage.

'Don't worry, ill come back' I replied

Her words struck me with different meanings. They told me not to forsake my country, not to be overwhelmed by the vices, not to lose hope for a better society. They showed me that an unjust society can be improved. That little orphan imbibed hope in me.

Now all do is to improve myself so that I can in turn improve my despondent society and contribute positively to the world as a global citizen.
Oct 28, 2011
Undergraduate / Engineering: MIT - Which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? [4]

For this kind of Prompt, you need to show that you've done some homework. MIT wants to now what about them intrigues you. Check what MIT offers on their website. Remember, its got to do with whats in MIT that appeals you not what appeals to you alone. btw It is good that your philantropic.

Hope i made some sense.Good luck am applying to MIT aswell
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