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Posts by jgb
Joined: Nov 3, 2011
Last Post: Dec 31, 2011
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Nov 3, 2011
Undergraduate / "An identity sculpted by language" - Harvard Supplement [5]

This is a fabulous essay. One suggestion would be to reconsider the Eve/apple analogy. It came out of nowhere for me. Also consider dropping the word "lastly" in the final paragraph. The second to last paragraph is amazing. It's hard for the final paragraph to live up to that! Good luck!
Dec 22, 2011
Undergraduate / 'I want to be different and go to college' - experience and its impact on you [11]

I like it! Your essay is honest and sincere, demonstrating that you will make a great student in college. Wonderful visual imagery- I can see you and your dad at the table. I love your description of street life and what it means to be a first generation student.

Make sure to add punctuation: "You have to go to college." (If you speak Spanish at home consider starting with the Spanish translation to make it more authentic).

There are a few places where you can trim words. (Every time you see repetition consider deleting.; there are places where "my" can be cut. It seems overused.)

Use "students who" rather than "students that" ; In fact, doublecheck each instance you use "that" to make sure it shouldn't we "who" or "whom"

For the last sentence consider stengthening: I will be different. (rather than "want to be").
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