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Posts by solid penguin
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Last Post: Nov 26, 2011
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From: United States of America

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solid penguin   
Nov 21, 2011
Undergraduate / My Experience with Diabetes - UC Prompt 2 [3]

I can usually make good essays but my rough drafts are always bad. Plus like anyone else, this whole college application process is kind of intense for me, so I would really appreciate some feedback. Thanks!

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

For the most part, my life was pretty ordinary. It was tough at a lot of times, but I got through it and I became used to it all. I actually started to look up with hope, and any uncertainty about my future was nonexistent. Then, three years ago on Christmas Day, my entire life was turned upside down. I hadn't been feeling well for a couple of weeks. I had trouble breathing, I lost my appetite, and I felt very fatigued. I originally believed that I had just caught a bad bug, but I knew something was wrong when my condition became progressively worse. On Christmas morning I asked my mother to take me to the hospital. It was then that I learned that the reason for my condition was because I had Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). When the body has a lack of insulin it begins to use fat as an energy source, and consequently begins to produce ketone bodies. Having too many ketone bodies (Ketoacidosis) can be fatal, and in response the liver may produce more glucose. With the lack of insulin however, this leads to dangerously high levels of blood sugar. All of these together result in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. When I was admitted into the hospital I had a blood sugar level of 916, far above the normal levels of 80-120. The doctors said that it was a miracle that I was still conscious, and not in a coma. This moment changed every single aspect of my life. Diabetes runs in my family so I knew it was possible that I too would have it. It just happened so fast and so unexpectedly for me. I had just begun to look at the bright side of things, and I was comfortable with my life. After finding out that I had diabetes I was afraid and uncertain about my future. I was more afraid of the financial toll this would take on my family, than the emotional toll it was going to take on me. Even with my family helping me through it all, I felt lonely, scared, and broken. I felt as if I had hit rock bottom.

Over time however, I realized that I had to get through this. I had worked so hard in my life, and I wasn't going to stop just because I had one more obstacle to deal with. I knew that life wouldn't be easy, and this was just another challenge that I had to overcome. Looking back three years, I'm kind of happy that I experienced this. I had a close experience with death, and I survived. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally distraught during this experience. Now, I feel perfectly content with my life. I know how precious and difficult life can be. To get by in life, it requires hard work, and a never give up attitude. I've gone through too much in my life to falter, so I might as well give it my all.
solid penguin   
Nov 21, 2011
Undergraduate / Common app- working at the family store [2]

"During the first few weeks of working I was a shy and quite kid who didn't want to be bothered"
Should be quiet

I also feel as if you could have a better transition from your second to third paragraph. Otherwise it is a fantastic essay, and answers the question perfectly.
solid penguin   
Nov 21, 2011
Undergraduate / UC Prompt #2: My own war [13]

Quotations in your essay aren't a good idea in general.
Yes, the essay does give a slight...rebellious taste in one's mouth after reading it. While I don't know exactly this experience you've gone through, I have been at a place in my life where I didn't know who I was, and I just copied my friends. I'm pretty sure everyone has these moments sometime in their life. I also don't think "war" and/or "hate" is a good word to use. No matter how you put it, both of them are negative words. I'm not saying your essay should be ecstasy-like happy, but it shouldn't come off as so rebellious/negative. It's great to stick out, but you don't want to stick out with the words "war" and "hate".
solid penguin   
Nov 21, 2011
Undergraduate / 'raised solely by my mother' - How my community and family have shaped me [7]

This is my rough draft, so comments/feedback would be great. Thanks!

Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I've spent a great majority of my life in the small city of Milpitas. The city itself is somewhat of a suburb for bigger cities around it (such as San Jose), with many of its inhabitants commuting out of the city for work. Being within Silicon Valley, there are many great technology-based companies nearby. Milpitas is also a sort of passerby city, with a lot of Silicon Valley tourists passing through daily. Besides the commuter traffic, Milpitas is a very quiet and peaceful city to live in. The people that live in Milpitas range from the lower middle class, to the upper class in some areas.

I was raised solely by my mother, and in a lot of ways we took care of each other. We've lived with my grandparents for as long as we've lived in Milpitas. While my mother seemed to take care of everybody in the house, I took care of her. I never really had a childhood, or at least not for that long. I matured at a very young age. As an only child, I didn't really have anyone my own age to bond with and was always surrounded by adults. I was also in this slight fear of unforeseen poverty. My family has always been in the lower middle class and we've just barely made it by for as long as I can remember. I learned the value of money far before anyone else I know did. I could practically get whatever I wanted when I was a kid. As soon as I entered school though, I had to earn everything. I had to bring in good grades and test scores if I wanted something.

As bad as it may sound, all of these experiences affected me in a positive way in the end. Living in Milpitas has allowed me to meet people with different ethnic backgrounds and social classes. I have gained friends that I never could have met anywhere else. Meeting all of these people makes me want to explore the world that is outside of this city. I believe that the lifestyle, and the values that I have had since I was a child have greatly prepared me for my future. I know that life isn't a walk in a park, and hard work is needed to be successful. If there is one thing I am thankful for, it is the fact that my mother rarely tried to fabricate our lifestyle. She chose to be truthful with me, which is the least I could have asked from her. My family and my community have greatly shaped me and my dreams. No one in my immediate family has gone to a four-year college, and I will be the first.


This is just my first draft, so I will probably change it, but I don't really know what to change. It seems alright with me but I also feel uncomfortable since it's a first draft. Thanks for reading!!
solid penguin   
Nov 22, 2011
Undergraduate / UC Prompt #2: My own war [13]

No, I don't think you need to change the whole prompt (although that is entirely up to you). There are a lot of things you could submit for these UC essays, and chances are that they've heard them all, so any story you give may be a bit generic. However, by putting your own personality into it, it can be made into a amazing, and original piece. The best way to tell people about yourself is by what you feel inside, and this essay does a great job with that.

The last paragraph of the essay is definitely positive, and I can see how you transitioned from negative to positive. It's just that the beginning is so negative, you still kind of feel it even after you're done reading it. Maybe you should try to slightly tone down the negativity at the beginning, just a little bit!

I'm not sure about the curse words, as some people are okay with it, and others may find it extremely offensive. Then again, you're not using them in an offensive way, so you may be in the clear. You should ask your teachers and see what they think of the usage to be sure.

Otherwise, fantastic essay, and I wish you the best of luck!
solid penguin   
Nov 22, 2011
Student Talk / Hi everyone! Welcome at EssayForum thread. [415]

Hello everyone.
My name is Samuel Moreno.
I'm from the U.S. and I joined this forum initially to get help and feedback for my UC Personal Statements...but now I am rather interested in this forum. I'm the kind of person that likes to help out other people, so I think I may go on here even after I'm done with my applications :)

If you can give me some feedback on my UC essays, that would be amazing, I'm going to start making posts and helping out other people soon, so hopefully I'll get to know all of you.
solid penguin   
Nov 26, 2011
Undergraduate / 'raised solely by my mother' - How my community and family have shaped me [7]

Thank you for your feedback, it helped a lot. I also did have my English teacher and my counselor go over it, and plan for both of them to go over my revision as well. It's a little different now, a little bit more personal, and not so "over the place". Thanks again for the feedback, and it would be great to have feedback for this one as well.

Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

No one in my immediate family has gone to a four-year college, and I will be the first. They all chose to go straight into work right after high school, with none of them truly achieving success. Through both my family, and my community, I've decided that I will further my education before entering a career field.

My father passed away when I was two, so I took the role of taking care of my mother. We've lived with my grandparents for as long as we've lived in Milpitas. Milpitas is located within the Silicon Valley, so there is a lot of commuting in and out of the city. However, even with the many great opportunities for a job, my mother decided to be the one responsible of taking care of everybody in the house. She doesn't have a job, and we have lived off of social security this entire time. As an only child, I didn't really have anyone my own age to bond with and was always surrounded by adults. I matured at a very young age, and consequently never really had a childhood. I also had this slight fear of unforeseen poverty. My family has always been in the lower middle class and we've just barely survived financially for as long as I can remember. I learned the value of money far before anyone else I know did. As soon as I entered school, I had to earn everything. I had to bring in good grades and test scores if I wanted something. Even now, between all of my friends I'm the only one who knows how much his phone bill is.

Although being inside my house has always been a constant reminder of hardships, being outside makes me happy. I enjoy the community that I live in. Living in Milpitas has allowed me to meet people with different ethnic backgrounds and social classes. I've gained friends that I never could have met anywhere else. Meeting all of these people has just further motivated me to venture out of this city and explore the unknown. I believe that the lifestyle, and the values that I've had since I was a child have greatly prepared me for my future. I know that life isn't a walk in a park, and hard work is needed to be successful. If there is one thing I am thankful for, it is the fact that my mother rarely tried to hide the hardships in our lifestyle. She chose to be truthful with me, which is the least I could have asked from her. Therefore, I'll make my family proud by going to a four-year college, furthering my education, and achieving success.
solid penguin   
Nov 26, 2011
Undergraduate / 'raised solely by my mother' - How my community and family have shaped me [7]

!!! Well my English teacher went over my revision, and slightly cleaned up the wording of it. I myself am not 100% sure which is better now. so please please PLEASE give me feedback, It would really help me out. Thanks!

Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

No one in my immediate family has gone to a four-year college; I will be the first. They all chose to go straight into work right after high school, with none of them truly achieving success. After input from both my family and my community, I've decided that I will further my education before entering a career field.

My father passed away when I was two, so I took on the role of taking care of and providing emotional support for my mother. We've lived with my grandparents for as long as we've lived in Milpitas, California. Milpitas is located within the Silicon Valley, so there is a lot of commuting in and out of the city. However, even with the many great job opportunities, my mother decided to be the one responsible for taking care of everybody in the house. She doesn't have a job, and we have lived off of social security during my entire childhood. As an only child, I didn't really have anyone my own age to bond with and was always surrounded by adults. I matured at a very young age, and consequently never really had a childhood. I also lived with a slight fear of unforeseen poverty. My family has always been in the lower middle class, and we've just barely survived financially for as long as I can remember. I learned the value of money long before any of my peers did. As soon as I entered school, I had to earn everything. I had to bring in good grades and test scores if I wanted something. Even now, among all of my friends, I'm the only one who knows how much his phone bill is.

Although being inside my house has always been a constant reminder of hardships, being outside makes me happy. I enjoy the community that I live in. Living in Milpitas has allowed me to meet people with different ethnic backgrounds and social classes. I've gained friends that I never could have met anywhere else. Meeting all of these people has further motivated me to venture out of this city and explore the unknown. I believe that the lifestyle and the values that I've had since I was a child have greatly prepared me for my future. I know that life isn't a walk in a park, and hard work is needed to be successful. If there is one thing I am thankful for, it is the fact that my mother rarely tried to hide the hardships in our lifestyle. She chose to be truthful with me. Therefore, I'll make my family proud by going to a four-year college, furthering my education, and achieving success.
solid penguin   
Nov 26, 2011
Undergraduate / UC Prompt #2: My own war [13]

I don't see what you mean by saying "you" a lot. All I see are a lot of "I"s, which is good!!

I really enjoyed your first prompt. I feel that it answered the question well, and...well I can't really provide much more feedback then that. Your first prompt is different than the one I have haha.

Your second prompt though, is really good now. Even without the curse words, it still retains it's power and intensity. Your personality flows very well with it.

I would change a few parts in the last paragraph though.

This is a personal experience because it is a huge influence, which given me a new perspective and meaning of life.
This kind of sounds generic. This sentence basically repeats the question of this prompt, and is somewhat un-needed.

That war is over because in the end, I saved myself and rebirth to a whole new healthy living me.
Pretty sure that's not a proper use of the word. Rebirth is a noun. I would suggest using something different there, such as "That war is over because in the end, I saved myself and was reborn into a whole new healthy living me"

Even then, that may require more work because "whole new healthy living me" might sound a bit out of place.

Those are just my suggestions though. I hope I haven't answered too late, but even then, I wish you good luck on your applications!
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