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Posts by artbycoleen
Joined: Dec 9, 2011
Last Post: Dec 9, 2011
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Dec 9, 2011
Research Papers / (Syllabus of Contemporary Artists' Book) my sample syllabus [2]

If you feel that the work you want to create can not be created in class during studio time - and you need to go somewhere else in the school- this can be arranged as long as you are in communication about your progress with the instructor and TA. I would perhaps re - word this i am assuming if the student needs other resources out side the class room ie computer.

4. Critiques - could this part be bullet points

A neutral space where objectified ideas get responded to in terms of Creative thought and Critical Thinking. i would possibly re-word this

For an artist, there can be no growth without critical thinking.
This space allows artists/students an opportunity to describe and explain their work and its process of development.

I would possibly say be analytical and critical in the creative process and document this
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