Dec 18, 2011
I WOULD DEFINITELY SAY AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. AS THEY SAYING GOES PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE .THE GOVERNMENT NEED TO INCREASE THE BUGDET GIVEN alllocated to preventitive health .for disesase to be eracted they is need to set up educational camapign in both the rural and urban areas when this done it will help educating illetrate understand and help them to keep a better hygene which in turn prevrnt them from disease.setting up advertisemsnt on tv statio on how to leave a healthy life woula slso help.
I WOULD DEFINITELY SAY AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT. AS THEY SAYING GOES PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE .THE GOVERNMENT NEED TO INCREASE THE BUGDET GIVEN alllocated to preventitive health .for disesase to be eracted they is need to set up educational camapign in both the rural and urban areas when this done it will help educating illetrate understand and help them to keep a better hygene which in turn prevrnt them from disease.setting up advertisemsnt on tv statio on how to leave a healthy life woula slso help.