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Posts by Rai
Joined: Dec 20, 2008
Last Post: Jan 2, 2009
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From: Bangladesh

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Dec 20, 2008
Graduate / Essay on Reason of choosing career - Law school [4]

After completing my O' Levels like any other teen of my age, with multiple choices and dreams, I simply had no idea as to where I should set my feet on. It was my parents who recommended that I study law as according to them I have the natural talent of speaking and influencing people which is dated way back to my childhood. As the youngest family member with parents who believed that older people deserved a better share of everything, I had developed certain persuasive and negotiating skills which made my way easier with certain family disagreements, and I somehow managed to make my point with my 'cutthroat debates' and it goes on till this day.

When I had first stepped into the boundary of law, things seemed a bit unclear. Having a background of subjects like geography, biology and economics, it was quite hard for me to settle down with major legal principles and vast case laws. I still remember the day that I had walked into my first law class. I joined in late and the class was already solving past paper questions. I sat all through the class with criminal law terms flying above my head, as more or less all legal terms were out of my boundary of knowledge. Other few subsequent classes that followed were nothing better. It was when I had almost persuaded my parents again with my persuasive skills to enroll me in some other degree that I realized that all that I was lacking was not the intelligence but the positive perception and enthusiasm towards law. I started reading my text books, as reading is one my passion, and I remember interesting case law facts were my bed time stories for quite some time. However after that phase of confusion disappeared, the more that I submerged under the vast surface of law, the more interesting that it got for me; be it the fascinating parts pf criminal, tort or evidence law, the more engrossing topics like contract, trusts, land and jurisprudence or the intriguing company and administrative law. There was just no looking back for me since then and now I of course believe that this choice had been one best achievement to steer myself into the right way .

Moreover, after I had made up my mind of choosing this path of career, every time that I had read any fictitious character of a female lawyer in a novel I had tried to picturise myself with their thoughts, character and positions someday in the near future. One character named Jennifer Parker from the novel 'Rage of Angels' had particularly motivated me. It was the story of a small town girl with no legal contacts, who had made her big space in the legal world striving with her determination. It made me feel less concerned about the fact I came from a family background which was completely cut-out from the legal world, unlike my peers. I knew it would get hard for me with no known faces around and no one to support on while I walk up the stairs, but that is what I grace myself for. Many people had tried to demoralize me with pointing out that working in legal chambers meant immense work load and no pay initially but now it is law that I breathe, sleep and eat. I did work as a part time teacher for some time but my comfort level and job satisfaction from working as an intern in a legal firm could not be compared with that of any other as it allowed me to enhance my passion of reading by researching through vast case laws and ever changing legal principals. Though my experience had not given me a chance to explore more by applying my skills of persuasion and negotiation on people, I intend and hope to practice my 'cut throat debate' approaches to prove my point in a more commercial scale as I believe that its not chance but choice that determines ones destiny.
Dec 30, 2008
Graduate / I had submerged under the vast surface of law; Personal Statement-Law school [3]

Being brought up in a family which never had any connections to any form of lawyering or anything connected to the legal field, I have always been recommended that I study law due to my persuasive and good public speaking skills. As the youngest family member with parents who firmly believed that older siblings deserved a better share in everything, I have developed certain persuasive and negotiating skills which always made a smooth way around most disagreements. Thus encouragements from my family and my wish to voice myself and fight for the causes of any ailing person instilled a 'desire' in me to choose 'Law' as my profession.

However after I had enrolled in the University of London's External LLB course, at first I was perplexed about major legal principles and vast case laws. But I managed to overcome it soon with positive perception and my enthusiasm towards law. I started reading my text books, as reading is one of my passions, and I remember criminal case law facts were my bed time stories for quite some time. When that phase of confusion disappeared and I had submerged under the vast surface of law, it became most interesting.

Furthermore, a traumatic experience of my cousin, who suffered through severe domestic, sexual abuse and dowry harassment right after three months from her marriage made my desire stronger. I realised that in a developing country like mine it was necessary to have a stronger feminine influence over the legal field. The antiquated and long practiced male dominated legal world needed a change so that justice could be assured to every woman who suffered though gender-specific violence. If given a chance and scope I want to work for the awareness of violence against women and challenge the vested 'rights' and 'roles' of men and the social control mechanisms that reinforce the superiority of men and subordination of women.

Moreover, after I chose this path of career, every time that I read any fictitious character of a female lawyer in a novel, I had tried to picturise myself in their positions. One character named Jennifer Parker from the novel 'Rage of Angels' had particularly motivated me. It made me strongly believe that it is not chance but choice that determines ones destiny. I worked as a part time teacher for some time but my comfort level and job satisfaction from working as an intern in a legal firm could not be compared with that of any other as it allowed me to enhance my passion of law. Apart from teaching me the various procedural aspects of litigation, this internship also re-affirmed my goal to be a responsible citizen of the society. I got a great opportunity to learn diverse aspects of lawyering and really getting to reach the needful their justice.

I dream of starting a legal firm on my own someday and would want to acquire more knowledge of the laws governing the corporate world and human rights. I have chosen the Bar Vocational Course, because of its reputation world wide and for the quality of education that is provided here. I strongly believe that my experience would definitely mould me into an efficient lawyer excelling my power of advocacy and the mastery over language and reasons and would be of exceptional assistance to me, in my walk to reach my goal.
Jan 1, 2009
Graduate / Essay on Addvocacy and Public speaking skills, Law school [3]

Since my childhood, on numerous family occasions I have been given the sole responsibility to take the platform and voice myself and my opinions as according to most I have the skills to give everything a logical conclusion no matter how queer it sounded initially. My parents have always been recommended by all that they let me choose such a track in life which my public speaking and advocacy skills can guide. However, till middle-school my practice of public speaking and advocacy was confined inside the realm of family matters only. But, it was in my high-school when I was a captain of the School and therefore had to see to it that my team participated in all the extra-curricular activities. It was the first time that I participated in a formal debate competition. At first I was panic-stricken of being noticed formally among the whole school. But I gave myself strength and support as I wanted to defeat my fear and after my debate was over, I was enthralled by the response from the crowd and my teachers. I became an active member of the debating group from my school and had the opportunity to take part in several intra-school debating competitions.

However after I had joined the school The Laurels as a teacher, I became a voluntary active member of the CAWCR, an advocacy organization originally based in Nepal that focuses on promoting women and child rights, which was the school's sister concern. I was fortunate to take part in a few seminars where I had the scope to voice myself on the issues concerning the violence and abuse practiced against established women and child rights in my country, Bangladesh.

Moreover while working in the Ark International School, I have also been given the responsibility to advocate several admission matters. I had to be in a constant communicative relationship with the current and prospective parents where I had a chance to advocate the quality of education and moral excellence that the school was capable of providing.

Furthermore, while working in the same school I have been given the responsibilities of managing and hosting several fairs and school anniversary programmes and seminars. It allowed me to achieve a position, through which I could constantly practice my public speaking and advocacy skills on issues concerning the Quality of Moral Education in Bangladesh, Developments of Child Psychology and Nurturing the Educational Psychology of Basic Learners etc.

On a concluding note, I would like to state that I believe my advocacy and public speaking skills has been the major attributes for me achieve most of the rich experiences that I did during my short span of life and I gladly grace myself for more.
Jan 1, 2009
Graduate / Essay on Interpersonal Skils and experience - Law school [4]

Apart from studying law during my graduation years, I have had a few opportunities to teach young little minds. These jobs have allowed me a great number of interactions with children who were all unique in their own ways. I have been fortunate enough to work in both the middle and elementary sections. Initially as I was not accustomed to deal with children of a very delicate age, it had proved to be a challenge for me to work in the elementary section. Soon I learned the techniques of interacting with children and had built an interesting and warm relationship with every student from my class based on their individual personality and needs. This job brought out capabilities in me of dealing with unique child psychologies. While keeping in mind that I was working with basic learners, I had to balance between subject matter and pedagogy. I also had to adopt different strategies in order to maintain a proper classroom behavior depending on individual personalities of children from my class.

During my experiences in a middle school as a History and English teacher I had the chances to present certain topics which initiated interest and explain it to the children in their individual capacities. I had to train them to bring out the best from their potentials, critically analyse and encourage them to do better.

While working in a school which mostly consisted of autistic children I had to carefully assess their personal needs and goals as they unlike the normal children are extremely delicate. I had to develop a different strategy of pedagogy which would fulfill their educational needs but also at the same time help them to resolve their impaired communication, excessive rigidity and emotional detachment. It also included establishing a different category of bondage with the children, through which I could guide them and create the environment of trust and reliability which the children could always depend on.

Moreover, while working as a teacher I had a basic responsibility of communicating with parents and counsel them to resolve queries and problems arriving from individual child psychologies. This I believe require the ability to judge situations and people and respond accordingly, which I think I possess. I also learned to maintain a healthy relationship with my co-workers and provide a high level of support and comfortable environment at the workplace.

I also worked as an Assistant to the Human Resource Procurement Specialist in a consultancy firm. My job allowed me to practice the skills to scrutinize, evaluate and short list the proposals following some guidelines and a scoring criteria. Most importantly I needed to keep up a good communication skill with individuals submitting an expression of interest.

As a student in my high school, I was an active member of the social service club and was involved in major fund-raising and social-awareness projects and seminars. These activities enabled me to provide managerial support and interact with people of different age, race, gender and background.

Throughout all of my opportunities and experiences, I believe I had the time and scope to pick up the ability to do just and keep working on the acquired ability to communicate and analyse situations.
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