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Posts by nivanova889
Joined: Jun 27, 2012
Last Post: Jun 27, 2012
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From: United States of America

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Jun 27, 2012
Writing Feedback / My life changed the morning I witnessed my friend have a diabetic seizure. [5]

I am beginning to piece together my personal statement for PA school.

I want it to be unique and attention grabbing. I want to be completely honest and share my motivations.

I'd like to start out by stating how I decided to pursue a PA career, when I saw my boyfriend have a diabetic seizure. I have read that it does not look good when you mention boyfriend, so websites suggested using the word friend, instead.

So far I have..
My life changed the morning I witnessed my friend have a diabetic seizure.

From here, I plan on talking about how this inspired me to learn about the human body and diabetes type 1 in particular. I have been involved with Junior Diabetes Research Foundation in order to find a cure by raising money and taking part in the community. This event has also inspired me to pursue Endocrinology in a pediatric setting, this is ideally where I'd like to be 10 years from now as a PA.

Any comments on my opening sentence? Again, I want to grab attention and I do not want to be like every other applicant.
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