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Posts by seapumas
Joined: Dec 31, 2008
Last Post: Dec 31, 2008
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From: United States of America

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Dec 31, 2008
Undergraduate / A future full of opportunities - Boston University Supplement [5]

Briefly discuss who or what influenced your decision to apply to Boston University.

Having spent the first eleven years of my life living in a busy city in northeastern China, the move to the quiet Corona in California was a big adjustment for me. Simple things like buying a bag of popcorn from a vendor on the sidewalk or watching toy-like cars go by from the top of a tall building became luxuries that I had to learn to live without. Before I even entered high school, I decided that I want go to college in a city that could bring back my childhood memories. When the college application time came around, Boston University popped up from a pile of college brochures. After some serious research and meetings with a representative from the university, I knew BU was the right school for me.

Even though I've never been to Boston, I can just imagine myself riding on the crowded "T", shopping alongside hundreds of people on Newbury Street, or exploring the historic Beacon Hill neighborhood. The city of Boston attracted me to look into BU but the university itself instigated me to apply to this prestigious school. Studying alongside more than 16,000 dedicated undergraduate students from across the globe will broaden my perspective and teach me things that cannot be found in a text book. Since I plan to pursue a degree in Engineering, the distinguished professors and top-notch laboratories at BU will provide me with the knowledge and tools I need to change the world.

Boston University's challenging academic curriculum, advanced technology, and multi-cultural student body makes it the perfect place for my post-secondary education. After four years of enjoyable college experience, I know I will graduate from Boston University with not only a degree but also a future full of opportunities.
Dec 31, 2008
Undergraduate / A future full of opportunities - Boston University Supplement [5]

Thanks for the replies.
"buying a bag of popcorn from a vendor" and "watching toy-like cars go by from the top of a tall building" are things I experienced in China but not in Corona California, I'm just not sure if it's appropriate to use a preposition here.

"You want to live in a busy city, but Boston is not, at least from your description of it. so try to change that" WOW great tip thanks a lot
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