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Posts by celeste_07
Joined: Sep 17, 2012
Last Post: Dec 31, 2012
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From: USA

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Sep 17, 2012
Undergraduate / 'countless adults and teens + My Tia Gema' - essay (impact/important person) [2]

*This is a quick draft that I wrote, so any comments are suggestions would be nice. I also feel that maybe I wrote more about my aunt then I did about myself, so feedback would be great. Thank you!

Write an essay in which you tell us about someone who has made an impact on your life and explain how and why this person is important to you.

Throughout my life, I have met countless adults and teens who have impacted my life in some small way. But there is only one person who has really been there for me when my parents could't be; my 'Tia' Gema (Aunt). Being raised in a Mexican-American family, I have learned to fuse both of my cultures and appreciate the things I have in my life that my Tia hadn't. Teaching me to pray before bed, cooking, and helping others were just of the few things she has helped me to become the responsible lady I am today.

Coming from a large family from Mexico, my Tia has told me plenty of stories from her childhood life. From her stories, she has molded me into the person she always wanted to be; educated, bilingual, and determined. Recently, my Tia Gema has just graduated in engineering at college two years ago. Although she had to pause her educated, she still continued when hard times were with her. Listening to her stories, I am inspired to just keep going, even when times get tough for me.

Back in elementary, I had only learned my english, but my mom and my Tia Gema both encouraged me o speak spanish becasue I had latin blood in me. It was a huge struggle for me too learn spanish in such a little time, but my Tia Gema always encouraged me and pushed me to speak spanish around the house. She is currently learning to speak english, so we teach each other.

When she would come over to the house and babysit me and my brothers, she would make us the most delicious dishes. From fajitas to potato flautas to a simple quesadilla with frijoles. Right after school, we would come back home and help make dinner, just talking about how my day went. I'm privaleged enough to know how to cook for myself because compared to myself, my friends don't cook at all for themselves or their family, so once I'm on my own, my cooking skills will come in handy.

Before going to bed, my Tia would always pray to the Father, and bringing God into my life has been a great thing thats happened to me. She was with me when I got confirmed last year, and it might not ean that much to other people, but in my family, God is important to have in your life.

Without my Tia Gema, I wouldn't be the person that I am today. She has guided me into the life that I and she both want. Being a strong and independent woman is something I really admire about her, and through her hardships, I have learned to take a chance at the things I want in life; and right now, the thing I want most is to go to college.
Dec 31, 2012
Undergraduate / Beauty and the sense of community; Why Carleton? [5]

Mention why you would be a good candidate for the campus and what Carleton will offer you (like their good education programs, internships, etc.)
Hope that helps, and good luck!
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