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Posts by Teiji
Joined: Jan 7, 2013
Last Post: Aug 1, 2013
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From: Grenada

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Jan 7, 2013
Scholarship / Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death ; Scholarship/ Goals as a professional [4]

The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away." Elbert Hubbard.
As a doctor, I would love for a part of my service to work with the Government of Haiti, Multilateral, Bilateral and Non-Governmental Organizations to fight against cancer.

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the Americas. In the year 2005 according to the Pan American Health Organization, approximately 480,000 deaths in Central America and the Caribbean were as a result of cancer. Over the last 40 years, cervical cancer mortality and incidence rates in Latin America and the Caribbean have not declined as significantly as in North America.

Haiti suffers from a shortage of Oncologists, technologies and facilities and funding that will improve the medical services provided in cancer treatment.
It is my firm belief that my contribution as a professional would aid in alleviating the shortage of specialist in the public institutions.

I am prepared to work laborious hours in public hospitals and clinics to benefit the sick in receiving medical attention more readily and efficiently, thus, saving lives and hastening recovery.

Moreover, I will team up with N.G.O's in accessing medication, medical materials, equipment for hospitals and clinics and medical assistance that are not available locally.

I will allocate time to participate in activities that they organize such as health fairs and workshops to educate the population as to the disease and the preventative measures one can take.

Furthermore, give lecturers to organizations and contribute column on health issues in one of the leading newspapers.
I would make a commitment to read the latest advancement in health services and medicine and make subscriptions e to access medical journals from the most reputable sources to keep abreast with the latest advancement and discoveries in the field of Oncology.

My long term goal will be to build a non- profit cancer facility. So that everyone can have fair access to good health care service and facilities.
Jan 8, 2013
Undergraduate / UK PERSONAL STATEMENT BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (Ethiopia tutoring and other countries) [6]

At a young age, I was baffled why some people were fortunate and others were not. It is my fervent wish to change this inequality. At the age of nine I made an illustrated book called Save the Children to raise money for my cousins in rural parts of Ethiopia. I managed to raise £230 selling my books for 10p and ever since I have been determined to make a positive difference on people's lives.

My fascination with science began at 10 when I received the game Operation. I was amazed at the body's anatomy and physiology filled with questions that I was bursting to ask. At adulthood some f the questions remained. I have become enthralled by the human body - the complexity of communication between cells and nerves, the defense mechanisms against diseases. I am empowered by what we know, yet mesmerized at how much we are yet to know; the human body is a world in itself.

Great essay I hope you get accepted. In future please do not write words like we are as we're it isn't formal and also when giving the name of a book or game you either put the title's font in italics/ bold or include quotations before and after.

All the best
Jan 8, 2013
Undergraduate / AP Biology and AP Physics ; USC mini essay about interests [5]

hello exo101 and victoria girl can you do the same for my post and I will like your post as well.
Much love.

Sorry what are you trying to get across; you want to be a dermatologist or a neurosurgeon or just a doctor?

If you are trying to get into a program for Biology or Neuroscience write on either the human body or the brain. If it is for dermatology write on the skin.

It seems a lil misdirected. I am not sure what you are conveying please reply.
Jan 21, 2013
Essays / Doctor to give back to the community; pharmaceutical drug from the herbs [3]

Objective: Intentions as a doctor to give back to the community

In simple terms the passage should say .
I want to do research to develop a pharmaceutical drug from the herbs that our forefathers used to in the past as medicament

Thank you

Our forefathers used a variety of herbs and fruits for curative and preventative purposes which are still effective today.
However, to date there are no thorough research that provides scientific data as to its phytotherapic properties.
Part of my ambition would be to partner with St.George's University School of Medicine and the government to provide funding, plan and carry out research to discover and identify these plants valuable chemical entity. Aspiring, that it can be developed into a pharmaceutical drug, to provide pharmacologic benefits not only to the Grenadian population but also to the wider world.
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