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Posts by bianca_cam012
Joined: Jan 15, 2013
Last Post: Jan 16, 2013
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Jan 16, 2013
Undergraduate / Chemistry/ Small classes/ Activities/ Events; WHY PHARMACY? WHY MCPHS? [2]

Hi! This is my 250 word essay on why pharmacy and why MCPHS. Hopefully it's good but just to make sure :)

Throughout my years of study, I have been appealed to subjects that involve science and math. I found myself captivated by each lesson we learned, the challenges aroused me every time, and I developed a passion to discover how different interactions between chemicals are used for different purposes. My senior year of high school was when I realized that instead of pursuing a career I would like to do, I should seek a major I will enjoy, applying my skills and interests. Pharmacy was what came to mind and I was never so sure.

I was more and more motivated each day finding reason after reason for why it's the best career for me. It enables me to reach my career goals due to the wide range of opportunities and the excellent earning potential it offers which is all rewarded after a short period of study time. Providing relief and accommodation for those in need and in some future being the one to be there for my family for emergencies and health problems inspires me.

I chose a 0-6 program at MCPHS. It will provoke me to devote my time and knowledge to achieve my goals and success throughout. It's a private college located in a beautiful environment. It's a smaller school so the relationship between teacher and student is a lot closer than other larger schools. The activities and events they hold help students be active through out there years of hard study. Everything I look for in college is at MCPHS.
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