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Posts by Shantalya
Joined: Jan 18, 2013
Last Post: Jan 20, 2013
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Jan 18, 2013
Writing Feedback / TOEFL - dowsing is a quite efficient way of spotting the location of underground water [4]

Could someone please check on my essay? Here it is:

The article states that dowsing is a quite efficient way of spotting the location of underground water and provides several reasons of support. Nevertheless, the professor does not agree with that point of view and opposes author's arguments.

First, the reading claims that, if concentrated, a person with dowsing tool can find a source of underground water by feeling vibration of streams. The lecturer contradicts that point by saying that modern scientists don't think that these kind of forces are well-grounded. She observes that even highly sensitive instruments have not been able to detect underground water.

Secondly, the article posits that dowsers can discover not only water, but also hidden objects like treasures or bodies. However, the professor doesn't think so. According to her, it's quite equivocal that scientists are able to receive weak radio signals but not the signals from the underneath.

The lecturer also mentions that there have been several attempts to confirm a dowsing hypothesis. Yet, it turned out that with controlled variables the dowsing simply doesn't work.

Many thanks!
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