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Posts by Greekman
Joined: Feb 28, 2009
Last Post: Mar 1, 2009
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From: USA

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Feb 28, 2009
Undergraduate / Commonapp short answer ("a member of track and field team") [5]

Hello everyone, here is my short answer for the commonapp.org writting requirements("In the space provided below, please elaborate on one of your activities"), I would be really thankful for any correction :)

As a member of track and field team for my first university, I feel that I have greatly benefited from them. They have entirely changed me from a single to a team player. In the beginning of my freshman years I wasn't that enthusiastic about enrolling in the university's track and field team, but during the first serious competition, which required a very strong team play, in order to win, I felt myself as a part of something really important and special, a part of the group. After that competition, which we have eventually won with a great breakaway, I was no longer unagitated about spending my spare time on trainings. I have made very good friends there and I am grateful really to the university for providing such a great opportunities for their students to be a part of something significant and unique.

and btw i took the first line from somewhere i don't remember where, so don't judge me on that;)

Best regards, George.
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