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Posts by ahmadpashaei
Joined: Apr 8, 2013
Last Post: Apr 8, 2013
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From: Islamic Republic of Iran

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Apr 8, 2013
Writing Feedback / TOEFL WRITING: Why going to university or college [5]

In this set of materials, the reading passage describes several disadvantages of homeschooling. The listening passage challenges it by discussing about advantages of homeschooling.
The reading passage describes several disadvantages of homeschooling. It states that there is less learning, less social interaction, and less variety in the curriculum in homeschools than traditional schools. Moreover, according to the passage, children in homeschools do not have final exams to pass to a higher level. So the information of students in homeschools do not be measured and examined like the students in the traditional schools.

The listening passage challenges the discussion and conclusion in the reading passage by listing some advantages of homeschooling. According to the listening passage children in homeschools can learn more than children in the traditional schools. They also can have more social interaction with other homeschooled children, and wider variety in the curriculum because they are not limited by school boards. These notices are completely in contrast with the ideas in the reading passage, which says that students in homeschools learn less, have less social interaction, and less curriculum than students in the traditional schools.
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