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Posts by kayad
Joined: Mar 15, 2009
Last Post: Mar 16, 2009
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From: USA

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Mar 15, 2009
Undergraduate / Study Abroad Essay - Why You Would Like to Attend [7]


I have to write and essay( up to 300 words) for the study abroad program that I'm applying.The question is " tell why you would like to attend". I have done some research and tried to write an essay. I am really weak in vocab and grammar. Can someone please give me a feedback??

Being an International Business major, my prior goals are to start working on a international level as soon as possible and to have a successful perspective of life. I believe the perfect place to start would be in one of the greatest universities of my own country, Bogazici University.

As a result of my researches I have seen that the Bogazici University is one of the most applied schools among the students. It has valuable educators, almost all of the professors hold a Ph.D. This is a very important factor for me to receive a good education, also to have a greater vision about my major. It offers high quality courses and recruits good students and teachers. Academically, Bogazici is a perfect fit for me.

Another great aspect of Bogazici that attracts me is it's friendly atmosphere and great campuses. Looking at the pictures on the website and talking to my relatives, I gained a mental image of a school that provides amiable environment among the students and teachers. The pictures of the campuses, great view of the Bosphorus attracted me at first sight. Bogazici's friendly environment will help me grow personally.

My enthusiasm and activeness extend not only to academics, but to other aspects of life as well. Bogazici has a large activity capacity. I believe that the opportunities towards the social and cultural life, numerous student clubs and the organizations will be very beneficial to me both personally and academically. For instance, not only I can gain various information in Management and Economy Club but I can obtain great experiences in the Folklore Club and the Sports Committee also.
Mar 16, 2009
Undergraduate / Study Abroad Essay - Why You Would Like to Attend [7]

Thank you so much for your comment. It's supposed to be 300 words and I still have to write my closing statement. It'll to be hard to fit everything in. =/ Is there any part you think I should take out?
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