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Posts by junisha rai
Joined: May 19, 2013
Last Post: Sep 30, 2013
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From: Bhutan

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junisha rai   
May 19, 2013
Writing Feedback / Teacher should relate well with students than having an excellent knowledge. [5]

teacher's ability to relate well with the students is more important than excellent knowledge about the subject taught.
A person who teaches various types of colours to his student might be ubiquitous but a person who can show and explain a blind man the beauty of colours are divine n rare to find.

One can acquire knowledge from various sources like internet, books, and some tinge of hardwork and perseverance. But one cannot find an excellent rapport building guidelines between teacher and student in books. the one who can impart knowledge by understanding the personality of the students and the phase of life they lead can play a significant role in students life.

thus, I would personally believe that teachers ability to relate well with the students is more important than excellent knowledge about the subject taught.
A book oriented knowledge without a wisdom of understanding the students at the receiving end is lame. A teacher who gives his students enough space to have their say can create healthy, vibrant , responsive and conducive learning environment. The students can discuss their problems with the person whom they can look upon with confidence and with no fear of being intimidated.

The students and the teacher can make an ideal team working hand in hand to address any pressing issues of the students that might be likely to take a toll in their performances. These can bring about a tremendous difference in a student's performance and his life. Based on the psychology and the personality of the student, a teacher should be able to fulfil the requirements of the students and that comes handy with being capable of relating with students. As one cannot relate with his or her own issues unless he puts himself into others shoes.

A teacher who can relate with the students can not only motivate the students in learning their subjects but also their purpose of learning and making it enjoyable at the same time. He should bridge the generation gap . A learning place free of uptight and stuffy atmosphere can develop freedom of fear, freedom of expression and freedom of growing knowledge in students.

Unlike in an edgy environment where students are passive learners and do not readily participate in the learning process. Such students might fall victim to uninvited and unexpected knowledge bombarding their brains. They will take such never ending knowledge as an instrument of torture rather than something which is mandatory. They will apparently study not for the love of the subject or due to strong motivation but under compulsion which in turn can be a potential threat to the interests of the student. Therefore, the subject can have a maculated and negative impression on students' minds. For instance a monotonous and hypnotising monologue lectures are good enough to put an insomniac into sleep.

If a teacher cannot relate his students life and experiences with his own then he is unsure and also incapable of relating and citing examples while imparting knowledge of a subject. A subject can be best learnt with examples, instances and experiences which help us create imagination and in turn help us remember.

I hereby state that the institution should not manufacture biologically programmed robotic nerds with no respect and stoical attitude towards his fellow colleague but it should be the cradle of humans with values to understand other humans and meet the objective of wholesome education.
junisha rai   
May 20, 2013
Undergraduate / May is the fifth month of the year; Why number five is important? [6]

You truly are a star to all of us beings on the planet; you even represent the five endpoints on a star.

. you have squeezed in this extra information (eg) in the end which does not have a significant impact on the readers mind. you could have elaborated on this point a little more.

overall u have an amazing style of writing. you have the ability to be creative in a topic which would have been ignored by a mediocre writer.

junisha rai   
May 20, 2013
Writing Feedback / TOEFL : which on do you prefer? serious movies or amusing movies [6]

For an instance, an entertaining movie may cause you feel happy during the film, but after watching it, you may feel worried about wasting your time

this sentence way too long and do not bring out any lasting impact on the reader. you should try citing examples which are more catchy.

worth to watch.

( worth watching)

body health

. you can omit body and just mentioned health.

overall u have a well organized essay with reasons that are not very strong. yet u can work on it and make it better..
junisha rai   
May 20, 2013
Writing Feedback / A person's passion and dream cannot be bought by money [NEW]

It is more important to work at a job that you enjoy than it is to earn a lot of money.

I strongly agree that a person should opt for a job that he enjoys than the a monotonous job which fetches him money with no self satisfaction and integrity.

We are the people who take an opinion as fact and greed as a weapon to fight in mundane battles. We endlessly search in abyss and chase after shadows of hopelessness mistaking our unnerving and agitated gluttony for our ignited enthusiasm. We live in an assumption and live life as a copy of others in expense of our own passion in order to save ourselves from intimidation.

A person's passion and dream cannot be bought by money. It is a nature's greatest gift offered to a person that makes him different and stand out in crowd with endeavors and opportunity of realisation.

Money is not always the element of a job. One has to cease a chance to grow and develop. They have to rediscover their passion and potentials and reproduce it. A person can only come up with innovations and creativity if he loves his job. His willingness to give his best shot at work gives him an upper hand to come up with favorable result, thereby benefiting himself and the company. Even if the nature of the job demands sacrifices and perseverance, a person can still maintain his continuous and energized focus on it. If I cite an example Kary Muller the great chemist who had invented a thermal cycle machine that conducts polymerase chain reaction had slogged harder for continuous long years and fetched him a noble prize and prestige for the latest scientific revolution. It has taken a lots of his time, patience, sacrifices and must have pushed him to the edges to call it a quit and resort for lucrative business. He must have led his life hand to mouth. However he did not lose hope and struggled until he made it big and realistic. this is how the power of passion do miracles.

if a person in remunerative business is not content with the job, he cannot do justice to the work he is obligated to do. This is one of the reasons why the workers cannot cling to a particular company and crave for something that makes him implement his talents and skills in 3 dimensions and enjoy doing it.

Getting into a job that pays him to lead a life of a billionaire is the first priority of everyone but having a job satisfaction and enjoying what we do cease to exist from our priority list. The materialistic attitude has paved our ways to lose our unconventional creativity and innovation. We cannot think out of the box unless we shift our focus from bagging a fat note to working towards passion. Following an existing trend can be common but emerging out as a pioneer is remarkable.

I hereby conclude that we should live our passion and keep the amber of passion glowing and alive before we lose it to a temptation of earning money with no happiness, thus leaving us
junisha rai   
Sep 30, 2013
Undergraduate / Stanford Essay: Blood Is Thickest - What matters to you, and why? [4]

your essay is ideal for reading but not quite appealing to the readers.
however you do have potential to craft it way better than this.. just my opinion, i could be wrong probably..
wish u luck with your writing :)
junisha rai   
Sep 30, 2013
Graduate / Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy [2]

Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave"

It is this precept that steered me to think beyond mediocre thoughts right from my young age. Science has always been a fascination and more of a miracle to me from my childhood. It was during my schooling I was honored the best science project award, where my mind-boggling miracles gained life. The world of "Cloned Dollies, applied genetics and stem cell biology further kindled my puerile passion and turned out my interests and curiosities into realities. As my inquisitiveness grew I realized that Biotechnology was not just a tool that benefits an individual, but also the entire community and society at large. I want to be a part of the existing trend to create a more scientifically advanced tomorrow and I envision graduate studies to channelize towards it.

The relentless hard work coupled with crave for perfection rewarded me with a distinction of 80% in my 1oth standard and 69% in 12th.

I had actively participated in inter school debate competition, quiz competition and speech held by Phuntsholing Higher Secondary School. I had secured second position in inter school quiz competition organized by Bhutanese health club on world AIDS day

My grade in Biology sparked off and opened up the doors for me to secure admission in the program, Bachelor of Science with major in Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Genetics at Dayananda Sagar Institute of Biological Sciences. The College is known for its infrastructure, assiduous and dedicated faculty and well equipped advanced laboratories. During my period of study here, I excelled in courses like Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, industrial biotechnology, Drug Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. This provided a firm foundation and took me a step closer towards fulfilling my goal. The fascinations and promises held out by various areas in Biochemistry, Genetic Engineering, Cancer Biology and Molecular Biology captivated me.

I have participated in tree plantation rally and poster presentation under National Environment Awareness Campaign organized by DSI in association with Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt of India on 24th July 2009.

Science not only gives us an opportunity to expect but also to contribute.

Today Biotechnology is a ubiquitous presence across the globe; therefore to keep abreast, I read journals like "bio spectrum" and biotechnika". Life in college had a mélange of few extracurricular activities like symposium, seminar.

I remain indebted to my professors who have fostered in me a flair and helped me develop an inquisitiveness for learning.

After the successful completion of my bachelors with an aggregate of 75%, I pursued post graduation diploma in advanced clinical research at institute of clinical research India, ICRI to add one more year to my academic year. It created opportunities for industrial visits to reputed clinical research centers like quintiles, clinigene, hospitals like St, Johns, Manipal hospital in Bangalore, India.

I, successfully completed my dissertation on assessment of knowledge of surgeons and medical students on stem cell research at Manipal hospital in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Bangalore. It was based on questionnaire conducted on 50 participants including medical students and surgeons which turned out to be bone grinding but extremely amazing experience to learn.

I have also participated in a 3 day workshop on Recent Techniques in Immunology and Molecular biology in association with Aristo gene Bioscience Company.

I have undertaken a hands on extensive training in Recombinant DNA technology, instrumentation and enzymology at Azyme Biotech Lab pvt ltd.
During my training period i was well acquainted with bioinformatics tools like oligo calculator, NEB cutter, thermal cycler machine, SDS and AGE for DNA and clearly elucidated my affinity for experiments with PCR Techniques, DNA Finger printing (by RAPD) which will prove beneficial in my research work in the future. I came up with a proposal of Cloning and expression of Protein kinase from Arabidopsis thaliana in E.coli DH5 alpha and surpassed the other students.

Academics apart, i have led a health campaign and rendered community service to the underprivileged children in association with Karuna Church, Jaigaon, and Jalpaiguri Distrct, India. Having being interacted with children from penurious background instilled in me empathy towards them and to strive towards making a difference in their lives in my own little way.

I have always been fervid about dance and i adhered to it, earning a 2nd place in freestyle and hip-hop dance competition held by vaudeville Dance Company.

WHY Jacob University?

Scientific breakthroughs and cutting edge technology are the synonyms for Germany. It engenders stupendous opportunities and platform for the young aspiring research scientists to strive towards perfection. It is a paradigm for multicultural and social background due to its conducive and impressive learning environment for the international scholars .

The credibility apart from the qualitative value that a degree from an Institute of your reputation will provide me will go a long way in opening a lot of doors in the long adventure ahead. The top-notch faculty hired by the school combined with its excellent resources for students have further convinced me about the quality of the program. I wish to also take advantage of the diversity in classrooms to look at same things differently. The advantage and a very tight knit Alumni Network are some of the additional plusses from a career enhancement perspective. The wide spread of electives available like human genetics, stem cell biology and molecular biology would offer me the flexibility to pursue and develop my career in the direction I was penchant to. Given these factors, I believe that Jacob University would help me bridge the gap between my short term and long term career goals. If studying at one of the best German universities is not enough of a challenge, taking the course in German probably is. I had set my goals to be an asset of the most reputed university in Germany by honing my German language skills which sure was a bone grinding experience having been hailed from Asian country.

Pecuniary benefits are not the sole reason I plan to pursue a Degree from your institute. Your institute provides the conducive environment where I can explore possibilities rather than just walk the beaten path. I strongly believe that at Jacob University, you just don't churn out good professionals, but thinking professionals who have the capability and the attitude to question the answers.
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