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What is "happiness"? ; It is the inner state of well-being and satisfaction!

Firas 1 / 2  
Sep 29, 2013   #1
Can someone please correct my essay or tell me what I can do better!
Thanks a lot!

What is "happiness"?

Since of the start of the human being, people were trying to reach happiness! In the different episodes of history, there were different ways for being happy. In today's world, we have many ways to achieve our happiness which depends on the personal perspective of every individual. In general, we can say that happiness is the inner state of well-being and satisfaction.

Let's start with something people like to discuss about. Do we need a high living standard, money, expensive cars and big mansions to be happy? Many people say that money does not play any role on how happy someone is. Away from this question, we have to know first, what happiness really is. If happiness is the inner state of well-being and satisfaction, then it has to come from inside. Every individual has his own emotions, his way of thinking and spiritual values. That means that no one can really say what happiness is and what happiness is not. Back to our question, if happiness does not depends on how much money you have, rich people might also be happy because they have a lot of money. For some people money is more important then humans and they love their cars and big villas more then people with who they can share their live. Satisfaction with that what they are and what they have is it what they need to be happy.

In direct comparison to the first argument and to the first definition of happiness we can take people who have a family, wife, children, or just people who means a lot to the person. Do they have to be happy? Maybe! They can be the kind of people who thinks that he do not need a lot of things around him, but a lot of humans who love him and of course he also might be not happy like the example in the first part of this essay. He might be a "things-lover". So happiness always comes from the inner state of people and accords to the personal perspective of an individual. In psychology it is able to influence this inner state by hypnosis. If hypnosis can look into the inner state of people and change it, happiness and unhappiness must be something that we decide. We decide, whatever condition we are in, if we are happy or not.

In conclusion happiness is like we saw by examples of two different people nothing that we an define or decide, if someone is happy or not. It is not the money we have or the family and the people around us. It is what we think we need and what we think we do not need. We can change it whenever we want from an unhappy life to a happy and beautiful life or conversely.
carolinemm 1 / 8 1  
Sep 29, 2013   #2
I think your ideas are pretty good but you have a lot of grammatical and phrasing issues. For example, instead of:

Since of the start of the human being, people were trying to reach happiness! In the different episodes of history, there were different ways for being happy. In today's world, we have many ways to achieve our happiness which depends on the personal perspective of every individual. In general, we can say that happiness is the inner state of well-being and satisfaction.

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Try something like:

Humans have sought to attain happiness since the dawn of time. Throughout history, we have discovered different ways of achieving this elusive ideal. In today's world, every individual has a different definition of happiness and idea of how to get there. A common thread in all these perspectives, though, is the pursuit of an inner state of satisfaction and well-being.
OP Firas 1 / 2  
Sep 29, 2013   #3
Thank you for the reply!

Well, your way is a lot better. I don't want/cant go to such a high level yet. Maybe a bit higher then now.So would you please just correct my whole essay in a way i can just follow how i can change my writing style to a better. :)

Thanks a lot
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Sep 29, 2013   #4
Since of the start of the human being, people were trying to reach happiness!

Since the beginning of human race, people have always been trying to reach happiness.

In the different episodes of history, there were different ways for being happy. I

In different eras in history, there were different interpretations for being happy.

In general, we can say that happiness is the inner state of well-being and satisfaction.

... For me, this is the most important sentence in your introduction. Rather than trying to link time and happiness, I guess it's good if you focused more on discussing the definition of happiness and how different people perceive it differently.
OP Firas 1 / 2  
Sep 30, 2013   #5
Thanks for your replies!
junisha rai 3 / 5 1  
Sep 30, 2013   #6
it is a wonderful piece of writing.. it indeed is thought provoking. u brought out to state your point coherently and cogently..
good luck
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Sep 30, 2013   #7
Many people say that money does not play any role on how happy someone is.

Many people say that money does not play any role in making one happy.

Away from this question, we have to know first, what happiness really is.

.... You should have began your paragraph with this idea and then elaborated on that. This is the key point.

In direct comparisontowith the first argument and towith the first definition of happiness

In conclusion happiness is like we saw by examples of two different people nothing that we an define or decide,

In conclusion, happiness is hard to define and highly depends on individual perception which differs from person to person.

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