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Posts by katieecohen96
Joined: Aug 25, 2013
Last Post: Aug 25, 2013
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Aug 25, 2013
Undergraduate / My stay at Ironwood; Meaningful experience [3]

Describe a meaningful experience and how it changed you:
The harmful choices that I made throughout the beginning of my high school experience worried and scared my parents. Because of my negative outlook and approach, my grades were declining, my future was deteriorating, and my care for life was slipping. Terrified of the destructive habits that their daughter had picked up, my parents sent me to a therapeutic boarding school. Ironwood was as intense as its name implies. My journey began on the 13th of December, 2010. Although the program was tedious and extremely challenging, I still consider Ironwood the most positive and life-changing experience that I have encountered. Ironwood is the place where I took my life back into my own hands.

Through denial of privileges at Ironwood, I learned how grateful I am for the opportunities and privileges that I possess. I was denied my passion: visual art. Before Ironwood, I did not view art as a privilege and I ignored my ability to create as an artist. Living without the things I love brought me to the realization that I could not allow myself to be in a situation where I could not create again. Art is my passion, my outlet, my comfort, my challenger, my reality, my fiction, my therapy, my inspiration, my adventure my language, my form of self-expression, my future, and my life. As an artist, I feel that I am most in touch with myself and others through fine arts. My stay at Ironwood brought me to the realization that art is my passion and my future. My gratitude towards visual art has motivated and inspired all aspects of my life, resulting in my life being of greater value.

My stay at Ironwood taught me invaluable lessons about life. I learned how to effectively assert for myself and how to work well with others. These lessons came with a newfound confidence. In one year I transformed into a completely different person. I am now grateful for all the privileges and opportunities that surround me, more hardworking and self-aware, and I possess confidence that I never felt before Ironwood. Since I graduated from Ironwood, I have stayed on track to be the person I want to be and I for that I am most thankful.
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