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Posts by chindy feryandy
Name: chindy budi
Joined: Dec 2, 2013
Last Post: Dec 10, 2013
Threads: 1
Posts: 1  

From: Indonesia
School: lmapung university

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chindy feryandy   
Dec 2, 2013
Research Papers / Rice husk; I want to continue my research studies by joining a study group [3]

Dear Prof. Leitner

I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Desember 2 issue of Technische Chemie RWTH aachen, which announced a position vacancy for a WL-group. I am excited about the opportunity to apply for a faculty position in Institut für Technische Chemie und Makromolekulare Chemie (ITMC) of RWTH aachen and believe that my research and teaching background make me a strong candidate. I am a zeolite macromolecular shynthesist currently finishing a udergraduate fellowship in the laboratory of 2Process Industrial Technology Center - TIRBR, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology - BPPT, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia.

I did research for this project I found many new synthesis method, namely rice husk can be used as a source of silica additive on the process of becoming a catalyst sinthesis natural zeolite ZSM-5 contained in Lampung province. All the main ingredients that I use in this study addendums raw material economy as all natural and derived from agricultural waste.

I have planing to do further research on zeolite membranes that create technology that can be utilized in the oil industry in master thesis. I believe with the existing I joined WL-group can gain knowledge of a variety of highly skilled professors in this field and get laboratory facilities can not I get at my place.

Included in this packet, please find my curriculum vitae, and several research journals that have my journal publishing in national and international journals. I appreciate being considered for your faculty position. Please let me know if I can provide additional information in support of my application.


Chindy Feryandy HB
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