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Posts by cin ali
Joined: Apr 29, 2009
Last Post: May 1, 2009
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From: Turkey

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cin ali   
Apr 29, 2009
Writing Feedback / Language-Way of Dialect- [5]

Have you ever imagined that everybody can speak the same language?It will be very easy to comminicate with everyone in the world.However it is a cultural difference.Then it is hard for everyone.

On the positive side; if we can use same language, we will not have problem to comminicate in foreign country.Then we will have less problem to contact with inhabitans.And you can learn lots of thing from he or she by correct way when you are learning therir history.

On the other hand, if we could not speak the same language you can not share your cultre and history by a correct way.And you can not live easily in a foreign country.Actually you should know a different language.

To sum up if we can speak the same language, we can share different cultures and history.In my opinion you should learn English, Spanish or German.Because only we can comminicate with these languages in the world.

Cin Ali's product.
cin ali   
May 1, 2009
Writing Feedback / Language-Way of Dialect- [5]

Thanks! Yes we're learning essay writting. This is my first essay in essayforum. I think it's short but my next essay will be longer than this.
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