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Posts by itsgraci3
Name: Uchechi Oji
Joined: Dec 10, 2013
Last Post: Dec 28, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: bronx high school of science

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Dec 28, 2013
Undergraduate / I always believed that I wanted to be a model; NYU Bio [4]

What are your academic interests ? how can they be fulfilled here at NYU?

From a young age, I always believed that I wanted to be a model. The cameras, the pictures, the beauty, the new identity that I could take on always intrigued me. My passion for modeling, like a flask, shaped my premature identity and molded me into an image that I believed fit me best. I swore to myself that this was who I would become; never looking back at the person I once was. As I grew older and continued looking ahead, I realized that my undying thirst for this career would not quench my knowledge or sustain me for life. Intellectual interests always intertwine with careers and a career path that would thrust me into a world of negativity and judgment on the most flawless beings is not something that I intend to rush into.

It wasn't long until my raging passion for modeling took on a new form, Biology. Contrary to any existing views, I found similarities between modeling and scientific knowledge. I traded being on the outside of the lens to become the person holding the camera, the microscope. I found this certain beauty in science, how everything just fits together so perfectly, like a picture. It's a bit like a puzzle combined with a secret. You are constantly trying to find stuff out - how things are put together, or why they work the way they do. When a discovery is made until you tell someone, "you" are the only person in the world that knows that fact, like modeling, you take on a new identity.

For those geared to understand it; and dedicated to its pursuit, science defines us; defines our world, our universe. With my newfound love, I soon found a connection to one particular subject; biology. The applications of biology are limitless, the funding is always increasing, and as of today it holds so much promise and hope. NYU is a very culturally and intellectually stimulating school and I believe I can reach the next multiplicity in life using their resources. Using my passion for knowledge, the aspects of modeling and complexity of science, I can flourish from a plethora of academic opportunities and possibilities at NYU while bringing something new to the table.
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