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Posts by coolgirl3456 [Suspended]
Name: Teju Devarakonda
Joined: Dec 16, 2013
Last Post: Dec 16, 2013
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From: United States of America
School: Alpharetta High School

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Dec 16, 2013
Undergraduate / "You shouldn't let your fear take over your pleasure"; Urbana Champaign [2]

prompt:- Tell us about one interest or experience of yours that allows us to get to know you better as an individual. Please limit your response to approximately 300 words.

essay:- When I went to Sydney,Australia last summer to visit my cousins, I had a phenomenal experience. It was so beautiful, breathtaking, and a lively city. Sydney was where I got rid of a fear of mine. When I was there, my cousins and I went to the beach. I was a little nervous as beaches were my fear since I was a little girl. I always used to think that if I go into the ocean, a shark would take me away and eat me alive. But, that childish angst in me had gone away when I was there. The ocean was very pretty in its majestic blue color. All the people there were having such a good time. I was jealous of them as they got to do something I couldn't do. But, then my cousin, Neil came and dragged me into the waters. I couldn't believe it. I was fully in the ocean and all it took was a little push from my cousin. "You shouldn't let your fear take over your pleasure", he said. I had to agree with him. All this time, I really wanted to go into the ocean, but my fear had taken over me. But, this time in Sydney, I learned my lesson.

does my essay go with the essay topic? I used this same essay for another college and was wondering if I should do the same with this college too.
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