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Posts by xxthejox
Name: Le Huong
Joined: Mar 6, 2014
Last Post: Mar 6, 2014
Threads: 1
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Likes: 1
From: Viet Nam
School: National economics University

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Mar 6, 2014
Scholarship / Self Introduction- My name is Huong and my major is Investment [3]

this is my self introduction, can you help me correct it???

"My name is Huong and my major is Investment. The reasons why I chose Investment as my Bachelor are I'd like to work at development projects to help a better place. Besides learning at university, I joint some activities outside school. One of them was a workshop "Mind Sharing", held by International Youth Fellowship (IYF), a Korean's Organization. This workshop opened participants' soul to live with more meaning by taking care of each other and it was the first time I approached community activity. Consequently, I realized that I needed give a hand to help human beings when I was young after this workshop so I took part in several NGO's program. In particular, a part of my volunteers is about humanity such as helping orphans, disabled children; on the other hand, the rest of volunteers are reservation and development, all of these things make me contribute my little strength for society. Vietnam is a developing country; however, the development arise social problems like unequal or unsustainability. Both government and NGOs give various projects focusing on women, youth, environment or rural areas but none of all is success totally. I hope with my learning program, I could find out the actual situations and fix them, the result of that is dedicating more about the social development.

I have degree in Bachelors of Economics, major in Investment, at National Economics University, ranked #1 in Vietnam. My specific subjects contain Project Planning, Project Management, Risk Management, Project Appraisal and Investment Analysis and they are all above 3.0/4.0 scale. I am now participating research with help from my lecture about Capital Field and expecting to complete in April. The prizes are an encouragement but the process is more important for me because I learn synthetic skill, researching method and digging new information about Capital. I am an intrapersonal person who would like to investigate new things. In examples, in my high school, I am font of my school's lap and chosen to "Excellent Exam" in Physics and Chemistry. In the other hand, I have experience working at NGOs and International Office, volunteering and project running. If I achieve KGSP scholarship, I hope I can take a research about development activities with supporting from university professors. I think my undergraduate program is a basic and my graduate is my steps to get higher and closer to my dream about helping more and more people.

As I know, Korea is one of the most country investigate most in education and their universities are high-ranking all over the world. I found this program from an exchange student who's studying in Korea. She tell me about education in Korea are quite advance. Moreover, in my opinion, the traditional has many the same as Vietnam. In that case, not only do I study in Korea, I want to explore Korean culture.
Mar 6, 2014
Scholarship / I need some advices on ideas - Why should I be awarded with this grant? [4]

As a child I used to spent all the time in my father's workshop, what was completely incomprehensible to both my parents and peers

I just look for some errors: spent => spend; in=> at; what => which

But I knew that having even great engineering skills is not enough to succeed

is => was

energy market and to learn

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