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Posts by Haya
Joined: Jun 4, 2009
Last Post: Jun 15, 2009
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From: Saudi Arabia

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Jun 4, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

The first type of germ is bacteria, which are defined as "organisms, microscopic in nature; they are unicellular and reproduce asexually." They are an ancient form of life, and most of them have spores that are resistant to dryness. Bacteria consist of single celled organisms. Scientists found a lot of facts after discovering the bacteria. First, different kinds of bacteria can live in high temperatures, icy places and trash. Second, from 500 to 1000 kinds of bacteria live in human bodies; some make disease and others give benefits. Third, there are countries that use bacteria in making cheese, yoghurt and sour dough bread. Fourth, 50% of bacteria produce oxygen. Finally, bacteria can help in cleaning up oil spills.

Bacteria are the most common way of getting diseases. For example, anthrax is "an acute infection disease caused by a bacterium that form spore. A spore is a cell that lie dormant, and comes to life under the right condition ." Anthrax normally come to animal and domestic like cattle, sheep and camel. When a person is exposed to an infected animal, he/she gets this type of disease. In addition, there are many ways to become infected with anthrax such as eating undercooked meat from infected animal and inhaling anthrax spores from contaminated animal products. About 20% of untreated cases of anthrax will result is death. Another examples of bacteria diseases are acne, gastritis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis and kidney infection.

To protect your body away from bacteria you have to wash your hand frequently, as in after going to the bathroom, after entering public place and after handling animal. In addition, try not to touch your mouth, nose and eyes because bacteria come in your body through these organs.

The second type of germ is viruses this type cannot survive and grow. Viruses cannot live for long outside others living cells. For example, they can stay for a short time as few seconds in bathroom and dirty places. Viruses can move from one person to another in high speed.
Jun 5, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

It is the first time I write an essay,I know there are alot of mistakes .
thanks for help

I didn't get your point in this "an ancient from life" should be "an ancient form of life"

I correct what you told me ..
still there are errors?

( this is just the body of my essay )
Jun 7, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

thanks 4 helping me

when I put my essay in essayrater.com to see the score, it didn't show becouse there are alot of mistakes

I am realy dissatisfied of that when I read it again and again I couldn't find any mistakes .

would you Please help me to highlight my mistakes then I will correct them .
Jun 7, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

(There is an error in almost every sentence) oh my god , I will cry :"(
I will start paragraph by paragraph now ...

I will show it to u later...

Thanks alot ...
Jun 15, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

back again ..

I relly need help I have to submit this essay tomorrow
would you please underline the errors then I will correct them
Jun 15, 2009
Writing Feedback / Essay on the Types of Germs - bacteria [22]

I need someone to correct the grammers in this part !! please :)

The first type of germ is bacteria, which are defined as "organisms, microscopic in nature; they are unicellular and reproduce asexually." They are (...)
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