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Posts by ShirleyHsu
Name: Yifei Xu
Joined: Oct 9, 2014
Last Post: Oct 9, 2014
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From: China
School: Nankai University

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Oct 9, 2014
Essays / I'm interested in pursuing my carer as in master in accountancy [6]

Essays: MMPA (Master of Management and Professional Accounting) Program, University of Toronto

I am a Chinese senior student, and I would like to apply MMPA Program, University of Toronto. I have been struggling on how to write the three essays with the following topics. I am not a native speaker, so I have no idea how to be attractive and organized. Could anybody give me some advice, outline or sample sentences?

1. Goals- Why do you want to participate in the MMPA Program? What are your career plans and objectives upon completion of the MMPA?

2. Diversity - The University of Toronto seeks a diverse and unique entering class of current and future managers. How will your distinctiveness enrich the learning environment and enhance your prospects for future success?

3. Accomplishments - Describe your most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such.

Thanks so much in advance! Appreciate comments!
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