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Posts by Azizbek1001
Name: aitmatov
Joined: Oct 9, 2014
Last Post: Oct 9, 2014
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From: Kyrgyzstan
School: aitmatov

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Oct 9, 2014
Scholarship / Kyrgyzstan is a country with rich natural resources, it needs highly qualified experts to run it all [2]

this program will give me a great opportunity to accomplish a goal. everyone my goal is to get a good education, and to find its rightful place in our society. study in Korea tsoblestyaschem opportunity to implement their plans, and gives me the opportunity to interact with successful people who, like me, seek new knowledge, achievements and discoveries. I hope that the knowledge gained will help me in the future to go to college and find their place in life and have made ​​a contribution to the economic development of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. as Kyrgyzstan is a country with rich natural resources, it needs vysokokvalolifitsirovannye experts who could would be wise use of natural resources, apply the latest advanced technologies and boost the economy of the country to the proper level. here be gold, mercury, antimony, tin, tungsten, beryllium, coal, oil, gas, non-metallic materials, lead, zinc, hydropower and water resources. There is the prospect of the organization of production of iron, titanium, vanadium, uranium, aluminum, copper, molybdenum, tantalum-niobate, cobalt, zirconium, lithium, colored stones. I potriot their country, I want to build a business projects that would bring invaluable assistance in the development of our gosdarstvo. studying in Korea, I got obrozovanie, which will be the foundation on which to built my future.

Kyrgyzstan will soon enter the vehicle, which will open up great opportunities for the expansion of small and big business, and it will become a bridge between Kyrgyzstan and Korea and other countries, using the educational experience and skills, I would like to benefit not only their country, but also to make contribute to the field of research and development for these two countries

I hope that by submitting an application for this program, it gives you a chance to get a quality education within the walls of your wonderful institution where there is a material and technical, are obtained education and experience will be responded high. and this program will be a springboard, and will help to make the first step towards this goal. I think this is the perfect choice.
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