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Posts by elizabeth96 [Suspended]
Name: Maria jose Hito
Joined: Dec 23, 2014
Last Post: Dec 23, 2014
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From: United States of America
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Dec 23, 2014
Undergraduate / My house doesn't have any framed college diplomas hanging on the walls - my dad is my hero [2]

can you plea give your opinion of my essay and also correct my grammar?

prompt: Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Growing up in a lower-middle-class house in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Peru my dad concern was not to provide me with the best clothes or the best toys, but rather how to get enough money to support me and my education. He did not want me to follow his steps and drop my dreams of being professional just for no having the money to pay for a higher education. He tried the best he could to give the best education. I didn't understand back them why he was so obsess with my education, but now I do.

Eighteen years later I can tank my dad because I know my life is better from the one I had back in Peru. Although I am conscious this I can't help but compare my life from the one my American friends have. Every time I visit my friends and see the college diplomas of my friends' parents on the walls and how they share dinner with both of their parents, I feel irritated. I know that all of the diplomas of my friend's parents are evidence of their hard work, but for me, it is a reminder of all things I don't have and how different my life is from theirs. My house doesn't have any framed college diplomas hanging on the walls instead they hold pictures of my grandparents, aunts, and cousins from Peru. I don't get to share dinner every night with both of my parents instead I seat at the table every night and eat alone. My dad cannot eat with me because he has to sleep to wake up at midnight for work. I don't live in the house alone, as my friend's family do. I have to live with other two people that rent the two rooms we don't occupy because my dad's salary is not enough to pay for rent and other expenses.

My dad doesn't have a full time job as most of my friends' parents. He has a part time job in UPS loading cars that distribute the packages. His clothes are always dirty and a little torn from having to carry packages every morning. I know how hard his work is, I hear him complaining from his back pain every midnight when he goes to go work, but I know there must be a reason that has motivated him to do this job for twelve years with the same will and determination he had the first day of his job.

Every time I come back from school, I see him, with his face visibly tired from work, sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me just to ask me how my day was. He never says how tired he is, but he doesn't have to. I see how hard he tries to keep his eyes open to not fall sleep just to hear me. Knowing how much effort implies for him to sacrifice his few hour of sleep to spend time with me makes valuate more the time we spent together. He could be sleeping in his bed instead he chooses to spend that time with me. My dad might not have a college degree but his effort and believes that his daughter worth the sacrifice is certainly present in my every day.

I cannot find the précises words to describe what a great person my dad is and the great impact that he has in my life. I hope one day I could make worth all his sacrifice by walking across the stage of a university and finally receive my degree.
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