Dec 31, 2014
Undergraduate / Heavy use of photoshopped images can cause serious emotional, mental and physical health issues [6]
The prompt is: Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
It is limited to 2500 characters. I just do not feel as if my essay is strong enough but I cannot pinpoint why. Any critiques are welcome (and needed)! By the way, my issue that I am doing is personal but of national concern. I am trying to focus on the effect of airbrushing in the media and ads and its negative effects on teenage girls. I feel as if my essay perhaps is not personal enough?
Though many are aware that the heavy use of photoshopped images can cause serious emotional, mental, and physical health issues, Americans have accepted airbrushed images as an inherent form of artistic expression. But with the negative effect that these falsities are having on our nation's youth, it is essential that we no longer turn our heads in the other direction.
The prompt is: Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
It is limited to 2500 characters. I just do not feel as if my essay is strong enough but I cannot pinpoint why. Any critiques are welcome (and needed)! By the way, my issue that I am doing is personal but of national concern. I am trying to focus on the effect of airbrushing in the media and ads and its negative effects on teenage girls. I feel as if my essay perhaps is not personal enough?
Though many are aware that the heavy use of photoshopped images can cause serious emotional, mental, and physical health issues, Americans have accepted airbrushed images as an inherent form of artistic expression. But with the negative effect that these falsities are having on our nation's youth, it is essential that we no longer turn our heads in the other direction.