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Name: Leslie Malave
Joined: Aug 5, 2015
Last Post: Aug 5, 2015
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From: united states
School: claudia taylor johnson high school

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Aug 5, 2015
Undergraduate / Low self esteem and insecurity - 'obstacles in your life' essay [3]

Describe an obstacle in your life and the skills/resources you used to resolve it

Any tips to make my essay better? Grammar help would be awesome too!
When one thinks of hardships in life, one often only considers the external conflicts faced. It is easy to overlook the threat that obstacles within pose. How can anyone function normally when they are fighting an inner battle with their own self? Low self esteem and insecurity are common many children growing up and it's effects are constantly underrated. Stemming from growing up an introvert in a family full of outgoing personas, I slowly withdrew from any social activities due to a sense that I wasn't good enough. And while my parents were as accepting and supporting as they could be, it could not phase the pressure I put on myself to meet certain standards that I perceived were expected of me.

When middle school rolled around, the most trivial, rocky, and developmental time of them all, any confidence I had left was torn away by particularly cruel classmates. I began being known as the "girl who didn't talk." It was as if every day I was being told to speak up and be more talkative. Unnecessary teasing made my insecurity worse and made me feel as if there was something inside me needing to be fixed. I was made to feel guilty for wanting time alone rather than desiring to be surrounded by people. I felt paralyzed with insecurity in every situation i was faced with, especially at school. Before any presentation or mandatory gathering, I was left shaking and almost in tears. I was left helpless, feeling as if i would never change.

It wasn't until high school came around that I decided I needed to work on myself, not for anyone else, solely for my happiness. I finally made the decision that I didn't want to go through anymore of my young years in a self-made prison of insecurity. The summer before school started, I slowly started practicing being more social, whether it be paying at the cashier or complimenting a stranger. Each time an activity got easier, I would assign myself a more difficult one. By the end of the summer, I had transformed into a functioning and social teenager. I shocked myself with how capable I was all long to communicate with others without being terrified of how i would mess it up. I taught myself to grow into a confident and independent women. When the little shy girl occasionally shines through, I remember how hard i worked to turn my life around and change myself for the better.
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