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Posts by brittanyag
Name: Brittany Greve
Joined: Nov 15, 2015
Last Post: Nov 15, 2015
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From: United States
School: TYWLS of Astoria

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Nov 15, 2015
Undergraduate / To Relive the Past - Brandeis University Supplement [4]

Brandeis University Prompt:
Please include a short response to one of the four prompts below (250 words or fewer).
There is a ticket in your hand. Where are you going?

Please be as critical as possible! Thanks so much!

Word Count: 250

To be able to explore the world, without limits, such as money or outside influence, is the definition of freedom. If someone were to approach me with a ticket to go anywhere in the world, I would be boarding a plane to the serene, and astonishingly beautiful, St.Thomas USVI.

For my sixteenth birthday, I had the opportunity to visit this amazing island. As soon as the plane approached the island, the entire plane went silent; if a pin was dropped, it would have sounded like a bowling bowl. The simplicity of the green palm trees and hills that covered the island, was too much to take in all at once. It was such a euphoric moment because, twenty-five years prior to me seeing this beautiful island, it was one of the destinations on my parent's honeymoon. They loved it so much in fact, that they brought my grandparents back a year later, to celebrate their one year anniversary.

It is not only the natural beauty of the island that has captured my heart. But, it is the enthusiasm, love, and true rawness of the people that, at once, made me feel at home. My heart still aches for the friendships that were made , my brain still races everyday with the spectacular memories we made, and my face feels sore again from all the laughter. St.Thomas will always be my home, far away from home, and for that initial trip, that brought me to there, I am so thankful.
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