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Posts by catherine13
Name: Catherine
Joined: Jan 16, 2016
Last Post: Jan 16, 2016
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From: United States of America

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Jan 16, 2016
Undergraduate / Written introduction to my narrated slideshow - hobbies, why school, key to success, learning style [2]

My Hobbies:
I love to study different cultures and have long debates about cultural and philosophical ideas with my friends and family. I'm an avid animal lover. My favorite thing to do is hike in the mountains with my husband and my dogs.

Why I'm going to school:
I am studying for a bachelor's degree in accounting. I have taken on many projects and positions throughout my career that focused on having a background in accounting. I've found I quite like this type of work. Once I've obtained my degree, I hope to help small businesses grow and flourish.

How to be a successful online student:
The key to success for online students is self- motivation. To excel in an online learning environment, students need to manage their time properly. It is important to: read directions in their entirety, ensure you understand what the assignments are, know what is expected of you, and know how to fulfill the class requirements. Communication is important, online classes don't offer the same "in person" exchange as traditional classes. Emailing and participating in discussions is imperative to experiencing the exchange of unique ideas or thoughts for online students.

My type of learning style:
I'm an intuitive and visual learner. I require very little in terms of physical atmosphere. I meticulously rely on outlines, diagrams and association. I tend to experience more difficulty with learning if my content is not clear and conscience. I find note taking in a sequential, specific or "to the point" way helps me immensely, especially when I am able to associate what I'm learning by understanding the practical application and how it fits into the big picture.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. I look forward to learning more about everyone in this class.
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