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Posts by sddxwytxfh
Name: Qiang Zhang
Joined: Apr 27, 2016
Last Post: Nov 24, 2016
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From: China
School: Peking University

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Nov 22, 2016
Undergraduate / Helping elderly using new technologies. Statement of objective, MIT graduate school [11]

Hi, I am revising my Statement of Objectives too many times. Could someone please give comments and advice?

Please explain why you are a good candidate for graduate school. You should describe why you wish to attend graduate school, what you would like to study, and any research experience you have. Describe one or more accomplishments you are particularly proud of that suggest that you will succeed in your chosen area of research.

Ever since my grandparents suffered from cardiovascular diseases, I always desired to explore new technologies to help the elderly. It is this certain responsibility which is driving me to conduct research in health sensing.I majored in Internet of Things with hope to study wireless network. After university graduation, I chose to do research in biomedical engineering. Thanks to my supervisor, I focused on the wearable physiological parameter monitoring study. It is the opportunity that leads to my realization that I wanted to have a similar role in the future.

For me, education is not about titles, credits or diplomas. It is more about expanding one's knowledge. Working in wearable computing for three years, I have to acknowledge that continuous education is a key factor towards gaining future success. My mindset has led me to high expectations for myself. Hence, I want to get the best education from the best schools in the world as well as to be in classes with some of the brightest minds in the world. In my opinion, there are not only possibilities to learn from the professors, but also from fellow students. It is therefore clear to me that PhD education has to be the next step on my career plan.

Given my educational background and academic experience in biomedical engineering, I can clearly identify my areas of interest: biomedical signal processing, wearable computing, machine learning and human-computer interaction application in clinical population. I cannot deny that I am excited at the thought of being involved in addressing the future need of human healthcare. This is why I consider the MIT with its Media Lab to be one of the best opportunities to further my education.

Thus far my academic career is marked by a focus on wearable computing and health sensing. During graduate study, my research concentrated on the wearable physiological monitoring system. In this system, my work mainly consists of three subtopics: false arrhythmia alarm reduction, cuff-less blood pressure estimation, and emotion recognition with physiological signals. My goal is to monitor heart rate, blood pressure and human emotions with a wrist watch continuously and noninvasively. This research paved way for my continuous study at a higher level.

During my projects in graduate research I explore intrinsically new mechanisms that monitor health metrics continuously and noninvasively. I am particularly proud that I mastered interdisciplinary knowledge and used a variety of research methods including field investigation at hospitals, data cleaning, signal processing, machine learning as well as statistical analysis to compress the research results into simple and clear statements with supporting numbers. During my internship at Microsoft, working in teams has shown me how much more a team can achieve in terms of creativity and solution bandwidth. In the international projects, the cultural diversity of the team brought this synergy to a whole new level and everyone in the team profited from a broadened view on the topics.

Coming from a country which has its strength in research I hope to be a good addition to MIT research teams and profit from the intercultural exchange. Furthermore China is stepping into the aging society, which gives me a good foundation in the area of wireless health sensing.
Nov 23, 2016
Undergraduate / Helping elderly using new technologies. Statement of objective, MIT graduate school [11]

the second paragraph that you have written can be omitted in my opinion. That is because it does not have a directly related discussion to the prompt requirements.

Thank you very much for your comments. I revised my documents according to your suggestions.

First, I deleted the original second paragraph, added a sentence in the first paragraph indicating some academic publications, added another sentence in the third paragraph inicating some verified experiemnt results. Then as for the pride, I describes a research experience hoping to show my ability to finish graduate study in MIT. Third, I deleted some nouns and norrowed down my interest to wireless health sensing. The revised version is as follows.

Ever since my grandparents suffered from cardiovascular diseases, I always desired to explore new technologies to help the elderly. It is this certain responsibility which is driving me to conduct research in health sensing. I majored in ...

I am wondering if these modifications are suitable or enough. I highly appreciate any further advice. Thank you.
Nov 24, 2016
Undergraduate / Helping elderly using new technologies. Statement of objective, MIT graduate school [11]

Thanks a lot!

I am worried that MIT reviewers could not get the supporting data from the ResearchGate because I uploaded my paper to the ResearchGate in October, and there is no citation in such a short time. This paper hasn't been published, peers can only read my abstract. Information about the its popularity can be shown in a line graph that describes how many people read the abstract and require the full paper. However, the graph is only available in my account, and other people can't see it. Do you have any advice on how to express in Statement of Objective to cover the shortage?

I listed three research interest because the professor of MIT Media Lab that I want to study with does research in these aspects, and the listed technologies are all related to health sensing and will be used in further research. Do you still think it better to compress the interest into "wireless health sensing"?

For the research process and final results, I added information in the third paragraph.
Nov 24, 2016
Undergraduate / Helping elderly using new technologies. Statement of objective, MIT graduate school [11]


In the forth paragraph, I added one sentence " up to 20 peers read my abstract within one month and required the full paper (the pertinent line graph from ResearchGate is attached) .", and attached a line graph at the end of the statement of Objective.

The research interest is presented as "wireless health sensing" only, as you suggested. And I decided to be focused, not mentioning other aspects.

The application deadline is 1st December. If there is no more information that needs to add, please kindly point out some misused grammar of the essay in the #5 MESSAGE.

How could I express my grateful feeling to you!
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