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Posts by Lahfah Afifah
Name: Lahfah Afifah
Joined: Jun 15, 2016
Last Post: Jun 19, 2016
Threads: 1
Posts: 1  

From: Indonesia
School: MAN 2 Model Makassar

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Lahfah Afifah   
Jun 18, 2016
Writing Feedback / [Toefl] School with low-budget should cut P.E classes or art and music courses? [4]

Hello! Welcome to essayforum. To begin, i want to remind you about the rules in this forum. You must give comments if you want to upload your essay. Your comment should more than three sentences. If you make meaningless comments you will be kicked from this forum. Be aware! Here few correction from me:

...one do not necessarily need art and music courses...
= ...it does not necessarily need art and music courses...

Keep spirit!;)
Lahfah Afifah   
Jun 19, 2016
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2 The internet makes human lives more convenient [7]

Human activities become easier due to the existence of the cutting-edge internet. Some people say the advent of internet creates a negative behavior, but others tend to argue such idea. While the internet tend makes people being lazy, I am more likely to believe that the internet makes human live more enjoyable because internet provides more information.

It is argued that the internet tends to change someone's attitude to be inert. This is because the internet present information that humans need instantly. I personally experienced when my teacher gave us a task, we just look for the answer in the internet and makes us never read the book. What I grasped from that experience is do not rely on the internet. Therefore, accessing the internet will lead people to be lazier if they used in the wrong way.

However, it is unavoidable that people lives become easier with the internet. This is because the internet serve many news, tips, social media, and so on. For example, we can get more information about what happened in the other countries with easy way. All of the information already available in the internet. Therefore, the enjoyable lives can be grasped through the implementation of the internet.

To sum up, although the internet tends to encourages people to be lazy, I am more likely to argue that the internet has a great influence for humans live as it provides a lot of information. Therefore, the internet impact is depending on the user, seen from how and what for they used.
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