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Posts by zyber2222 [Suspended]
Name: Phoenix
Joined: Jun 21, 2016
Last Post: Jun 21, 2016
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From: Taiwan
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Jun 21, 2016
Writing Feedback / Movies and TV have a cumulative impact by unconsciously shape people's insights and behaviors [3]

Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

(TOEFL) How do movies and television influence people's behavior?

Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

There is more and more family having television at home and people are more willing to pay for seeing movies. This enable most people to have fun. I think movies and television have a cumulative impact by unconsciously shape people's insights and behaviors. To develop my view, I will discuss the negative impacts and the positive impacts which cannot be overlooked.

It is true that mass media, including television and movies, have negative influence on children and teenagers. Watching television or movies outrageously may harm their physical health like myopia and obesity. Excessive exposure to violent and sexual program harms their mental health and makes their value and behaviors aggressive.

However, television and movies positively influence people's behaviors. Compared to drinking and smoking, watching TV or movies is a more healthy leisure. Compared again to shopping or golfing, it is an affordable leisure. Moreover, watching TV or movies with friends and family enhance the bond.

Next, both television and movies educate their audience. If people want to learn how to cook, there are plenty of cooking show teaching different kinds of dishes. There are also many nature programs introducing the wildlife around the world or various environment. Audience can even learn the life style like how to dress fashionably, how to save money, and how to eat healthy.

Besides leisure and education benefits, television and movies also act as a cultural mover. Internationally, holly wood and Disney channel colonize viewers without arm force. In Taiwan, movies directed by Ang Lee such as Pushing Hands, and The Wedding Banquet, promote Taiwanese culture and enhance prestige of Taiwan. Recently, municipal office even assists filmmaking to advertise the local features.

To conclude, movies and TV not only have negative impacts but also have positive influence in areas like leisure, education, and culture. In my opinion, it is advised that people minimize the harmful effects.
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