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Posts by bidhan
Name: Bidhan
Joined: Jun 23, 2016
Last Post: Jun 23, 2016
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From: Nepal

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Jun 23, 2016
Writing Feedback / It is not necessary to attach the teacher's payment to the student's learning capacity [3]

TOEFL: Do you agree or disagree, teachers should be paid according to the progress of the student?

Some believe that, teachers should be paid according to the progress of the student while other disagree. Personally, I believe teachers should not be paid according to the progress of the student, as each students are different from the other, some take considerable time to grasp the subject matter, it might create conflict between the teachers and low economic status students might be deprived of quality education.

First of all, some students are intelligent and they can perform better than other students. Therefore, they are faster in grasping the subject matter more quickly than other students. For example, half of the class might have already understood the subject where as the rest of the students might not have even understood the basics. Some students would take a longer time to grasp and would be slow to produce the teacher's expected result.

Secondly, the teachers who are paid high can be bossy to the teachers who are averagely paid. Other teachers might take this as a competition and they might pressure students to perform well so that their pay can be increased as well which might mentally disturb the student.

In addition, paying the teacher more as per the progress of the student means taking more tuition fee from the students. some of the upper economic status students might not have any problem with this as they are capable of paying the increased tuition fee but low economic status students might be forced to discontinue their education and look for alternatives. For example, if a student is good at his studies but he is not economically stable and with the increased fee he is forced to quit his current institution and look for alternative, here the institute lose a bright student and the student might not find quality education as he was getting.

Finally, I believe it is not necessary to attach the teacher's payment to the student's learning capacity because the teacher who is good at what he is doing will get enough opportunity to earn more money. So I strongly disagree that teachers should be paid according to the progress of the student.
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