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Posts by courtneyurzen
Name: Courtney Urzen
Joined: Aug 4, 2016
Last Post: Aug 4, 2016
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From: United States
School: University of St. Thomas

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Aug 4, 2016
Undergraduate / The Semester at Sea program has been a dream of mine since I found out about it as a junior [6]

A study abroad program, Semester at Sea, requires a 300-500 word essay to apply. The prompt is as follows:
"What are your academic goals, and how will Semester at Sea help you to you achieve them? Include at least two examples."

Here is what I have so far:

The Semester at Sea program has been a dream of mine since I found out about it as a junior in high school. I remember scrolling through Instagram and seeing that one of my older friends had posted a picture of herself along with 600 of her closest friends on the back of a ship. I asked myself what was this amazing experience was that I was missing out on. I then, of course, had to search through the tags to find the name of the program to find out how I could be apart of it. Upon finding that and many other amazing travel pictures, I was in love. As a naive 16 year old, I thought about how amazing it would be to go on a 4 month cruise around the world and travel to so many amazing places I wouldn't have the opportunity to go to any other way. 3 years and many arguments with my parents later, I have realized how much more there is to this amazing experience than just a fun cruise.

One of the first questions my parents asked me when I told them how much I would love to have the opportunity to experience this program was how it was going to aid in my future goals. As a biology major on the pre-med track, it seems to many that this semester would just be a "throw away" and not benefit me in any way. Although I am not planning on going into global business or anything that would seem to be directly beneficial to my future academic and career plans, I definitely am able to see the benefits to such an amazing program. First and foremost, the knowledge I would gain about so many different cultures alone makes the program worth it. As a hopeful future doctor, this knowledge would help me to better understand my patients and treat them with proper respect. It would also set me apart on applications for med schools and future employers as someone who is very knowledgeable on world issues and is very well traveled. I strongly believe in the benefits of travel and all of the knowledge it provides. My personal academic goals are to learn as much as I can in my four years of undergraduate education. This program would undoubtedly aid me in that by offering so many different destinations and things to learn about in each new place.

I am at about 400 words right now and am terrible at ending things so any help you may have would be greatly appreciated. I know that it is probably a little rough but it is only my first draft so I am honestly looking for any advice or critiques you may have, no matter how harsh. Thanks!
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