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Posts by eect13
Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Last Post: Aug 13, 2009
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From: Philippines

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Aug 12, 2009
Undergraduate / Failing in school - Significant experience [10]

Topic : Are there any significant experiences you have had, or accomplishments you have realized that have helped to define you as a person?

When I was in my early high school, thinking that even if I do not study hard can still have a passing grade and that attitude keeps me very lazy and carefree student. I am a very lazy student, who sleeps in class, chats with his seatmates, lots of tardy, and does not participate in any single activity in school made the teachers no reason to pass me. I did even miss my opportunity to try robotics because I am a probation student and also got kicked out from school.

My mom always tells me that I should listen to her. I realized that she was right, that the regret is always in the end. I really want to say sorry to her because she tried her very best to remind me and even cry for me just to study harder and stop being foolish in school.

Failing in school and taking summer classes every year made me realize that I should stop being lazy. Money and time spent every single year made me feel guilty and very blessed. Success of other people sometimes made me envy but I realized that I can also be like them. Love and support of my family, relatives, teachers, friends, and all of these really keeps me motivated.

Now, I do really have a hard time to improve myself, I am still lazy, but I am really trying my best to change or improved it, before, I do not really care what others think of me, like criticizing me and saying bad things about me, but when I learned that my parents are also affected, I swear to myself that I will try to stop the laziness inside of me and one day, I will do something that could make them happy and proud of me. My flaws and mistakes always remind me that I am a person, I am not perfect.

I picked this quote because I believed that it will help me to accept defeat and look forward to another challenges in life.
"If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost."
-Zig Ziglar

This event is a stepping stone for me and it really helped me define myself as a person.
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pls help me in this essay... pls correct me
Tnx 4 feedbacks
Aug 13, 2009
Undergraduate / Failing in school - Significant experience [10]

@Llamapoop123 and EF_Simone
thanks for the time....this is my 2nd attempt
pls correct me tnx alot
also can i have some tips and ideas how to start my essay?
and pls rate me from 1-10
i know that i still suck, im not good in english but tnx for feedbacks

i believe that this is also an achievement for me because this is my only first time to post my essay and make an essay very seriously.
Aug 13, 2009
Undergraduate / Failing in school - Significant experience [10]

thnk u very much... is the 1st version essay ok?
can you give me some tips, or advise, how to start my essay
...so lucky to find this site on google
Aug 13, 2009
Undergraduate / Failing in school - Significant experience [10]

this is my final essay is this ok? gudluk 4 me thnk u all

tnx i wish i could post it again but today is my dedline...
but anyway tnx... im so lucky to have a free proofreader tnx
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