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Posts by linhenglish
Name: linh
Joined: Oct 15, 2016
Last Post: Oct 15, 2016
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From: Viet Nam
School: economic of university hochiminh city

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Oct 15, 2016
Writing Feedback / Topic: According to an international travel magazine, many tourists today fly straight to their holi [6]

Topic: According to an international travel magazine, many tourists today fly straight to their holiday resort and almost never leave it. Unlike tourists in the 1960 and 70's, they return home with no experience of the local culture. Why do you think this happens? How was tourism different in the past? Give reason for you answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

After hard work, everyone hope have a tourist to relax and rest. As well as, their vacation is a inspiration to create for their new project and next work. The same about finally aims but there are many different between tourist past and today. Demand of people and develop tourism is a part of this change.

In the past, most of tourists like discovering and freedom. So they found to their destinationby their motorbike or car. Then went to seesight, discovered this local. Sometime, they stay at home of local people instead of hotel. This thing can decrease cost for their tourist.

Nowaday, flights and tranferstake people direct to their luxury hotel, where they stay for the rest of their holiday. Their hotel have good service, well facilities. Therefore, they felt very comfortable and convenient. Even though this place have restarant, beach beautiful, playground to entertiment. This are factors everyone don't like leave it. If there have, they leave a little time, then they immetately return.

This is a different between tourist past and today. Past tourist, after finish their vacation they have many colorful stories that they could tell. Otherwise today, they return home no experience of the local people.

In the past or today, tourist have convenient or interest. In my view, past tourist still call packbackers. It is very interested. Because they have opportunite told with local people, expand knowleage, especialy try food which never have at restaurant, know the local culture.
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