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Posts by Nethiyaa
Name: Nethiyaa
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
Last Post: Oct 24, 2016
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From: Malaysia
School: University of Malaya

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Oct 19, 2016
Scholarship / Ideas on Scholarship essay - your plans for the future. [9]

Hello All,

I am also applying for the Chevening Scholarship which requires me to answer few question. I would like to seek advice or more likely to guide on the outline draft for my essay which sounds as mentioned below.

Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.
Oct 20, 2016
Scholarship / Ideas on Scholarship essay - your plans for the future. [9]

Ever since I was little, there have been my dream always to pursue my tertiary education in UK universities but I failed to achieve during my undergraduate studies. I graduated as a chemical engineering student and my continued my intern on the health, safety, and environment. My interest on the HSE started in the final semester of engineering school when I studied the Environment Management System (EMS) where it is known as a system, which monitors, tracks and report emission information's particularly with respect of oil and gas industries. It made me engage the environmental aspects of it, and I was impressed by the fact that the field is so divergent and versatile.

A leading problem of 21st century is world pollution. The environments were polluted that urgent measures should be taken to save the world. A single individual cannot be blamed on for the world's contamination. Solid waste is also part of the environment pollution whereby it leads to much disease. The lack of public awareness, failure to enforce the existing law, techniques used to disposed waste collection impose to the complication. The governments are urging the companies and organizations, involved in manufacturing industry or agriculture in order to find environmental-friendly approaches.

Now, I am fortunate to attend my post-graduate studies at UK universities. Currently, I am working as health, safety, and environment (HSE) Engineer to provide technical guidance to ensure development, implementation, and improvement of environmental programs. As an Environment Engineer in my previous organization, I was assigned to improve environment condition through rectification. Besides that, the challenge faced during this phase is not the generation of solid waste but the lack of technologies to retrieve the energies from waste municipal produced at the landfill. My aim is to utilize these skills in reducing the emission of greenhouse gas by using the landfill. They also audit on the environmental conditions and criticize on the improvement of the world's environment.

Given the aforementioned, I have selected three courses that are similar continuity of work and will give me the knowledge, understanding, and practical insight required to advance in my career as HSE Engineer, these university courses are; Environment Engineering (Newcastle University), Environmental Engineering (Nottingham University) and finally Process Safety Management (University Aberdeen). The MSc in Environment Engineering, which offered at Newcastle and Nottingham University, is my desired program to do as it is well structured and universities work with employers to ensure that our masters reflects the skills needed in world or work. Besides, the laboratories have high wide range of instrumentation for testing and monitoring.

Studying in UK University will provide me with master's degree that will be identified worldwide. This course will lead me to a perfect start to my Environment Engineer back home. It will provide me courage, hand-skills, and knowledge to attain my long-term aim of being a consultant back home to give proper consultation and advice to all the company leaders. I aspire to the social and academic challenges of being a chevening scholar.

kindly advice me on the content of the essay and advise if i need to rectify the content of my essay.

Thank you.

Oct 21, 2016
Scholarship / Ideas on Scholarship essay - your plans for the future. [9]

A leading problem of 21st century is world pollution. The environments are getting affected due to the behavior of each individual and leads to numerous incurable diseases. Atmospheric pollution gives life-frightening humanity with global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion. Lately, many issues arise such as improper waste treatment, lack of awareness on recycling, and soil and water contamination. Hence, the governments are urging the companies and organizations, involved in construction, fabrication industries, or agriculture in order to find environmental-friendly approaches. Therefore, close monitoring over the condition of the environment is being vital for today. Environment monitoring is referring to the systematic sampling, observation, and the level of pollution on the air, water, and soil.

As an Environment Engineer in my previous organization, I am responsible for designing system; install the safety and environment aspect system to ensure the public is protected from the pollution. Besides, I also have to ensure that the treated and untreated chemicals are disposed in accordance to the environment and health law. Moreover, the challenge faced during this phase is not the generation of solid waste but the lack of technologies to retrieve the energies from waste municipal produced at the landfill. My aim is to utilize these skills in reducing the emission of greenhouse gas by using the landfill. Given the aforementioned, I have selected three courses that are similar continuity of work and will give me the knowledge, understanding, and practical insight required to advance in my career as Environment Engineer, these university courses are; Environment Engineering (Newcastle University), Environmental Engineering (Nottingham University) and finally Process Safety Management (University Aberdeen). Specifically my choices of universities are as follows;

1. The MSc in Environment Engineering, which offered at Newcastle, is my desired program to do as it is well structured and universities work with employers to ensure that our masters reflects the skills needed in world or work. Besides, the laboratories have high wide range of instrumentation for testing and monitoring. This university also provides the most comprehensive overview of higher education that includes student satisfaction with the quality of teaching.

2. While, my second choice is MSc in Environment Engineering at Nottingham University provides a unique combination of engineering skills with relevance to the environment industry. Besides, the relationship formed between the alumnus, students, and lecturers are very well supportive. This university is in the 75th ranking and I believe it is one of the popular universities among the students and employers.

3. Finally, University of Aberdeen as Process Safety Management(PSM) deviates from my goals and aims above but it is a detailed of understanding of the risk assessments, operational safety and management. They also have an excellent reputation on teaching quality and the module for the courses is well designed.

Studying in UK University will provide me with master's degree that will be identified worldwide. This course will lead me to a perfect start to my Environment Engineer back home. I aspire to the social and academic challenges of being a chevening scholar.

Kindly help me to revise the essay with some editing on the content. Much appreciated.

thank you

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